I have this in my .emacs:

(setq notmuch-multipart/alternative-discouraged '("text/plain" "text/html"))

In that order, it discourages text/plain in favor of text/html, but also ends up discouraging text/html if there are other options. In particular, if there's a text/calendar item, I generally want that one to be chosen over other options.

On Sun, Feb 15, 2015 at 9:19 PM, Phil Crosby <phil.crosby@gmail.com> wrote:
Hey everyone,

1. Is it possible to configure Notmuch to show text/html parts by default, instead of text/plain? I've been looking through the source and it wasn't obvious to me.

2. Is it possible to hide the buttons which toggle multipart email visibility (and presumably unhide them via a command)? Most of my emails look like this screenshot; as you can see, the multipart buttons take up much of the email's real estate, especially for short emails, and they make the actual content of the email difficult to read.

Inline image 1

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