On Tue, Nov 2, 2010 at 2:33 AM, Carl Worth <cworth@cworth.org> wrote:
Where to obtain notmuch 0.4

Which can be verified with:

 d40cb07adab0d595c64e9b73f1fd306cc9dff106  notmuch-0.4.tar.gz

 (signed by Carl Worth)

I've built 0.4 for Fedora in case anyone is interested.  Currently, it is only built for fc13 x86_64, but I'll likely be building for fc14 x86_64 as soon as I get fc14 installed.  If anyone wants i686, I can probably be convinced to spin up a vm to do that in.


I'll also likely be submitting it to Fedora proper as I have time.  Thanks everyone for all the work! 

Scott Henson