""" This file is part of notmuch. Notmuch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Notmuch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with notmuch. If not, see . Copyright 2010 Sebastian Spaeth ' Jesse Rosenthal """ from ctypes import c_char_p, c_long, c_uint, c_int from datetime import date from notmuch.globals import (nmlib, STATUS, NotmuchError, Enum, _str, NotmuchTagsP, NotmuchMessagesP, NotmuchMessageP, NotmuchFilenamesP) from notmuch.tag import Tags from notmuch.filename import Filenames import sys import email try: import simplejson as json except ImportError: import json class Messages(object): """Represents a list of notmuch messages This object provides an iterator over a list of notmuch messages (Technically, it provides a wrapper for the underlying *notmuch_messages_t* structure). Do note that the underlying library only provides a one-time iterator (it cannot reset the iterator to the start). Thus iterating over the function will "exhaust" the list of messages, and a subsequent iteration attempt will raise a :exc:`NotmuchError` STATUS.NOT_INITIALIZED. If you need to re-iterate over a list of messages you will need to retrieve a new :class:`Messages` object or cache your :class:`Message`\s in a list via:: msglist = list(msgs) You can store and reuse the single :class:`Message` objects as often as you want as long as you keep the parent :class:`Messages` object around. (Due to hierarchical memory allocation, all derived :class:`Message` objects will be invalid when we delete the parent :class:`Messages` object, even if it was already exhausted.) So this works:: db = Database() msgs = Query(db,'').search_messages() #get a Messages() object msglist = list(msgs) # msgs is "exhausted" now and msgs.next() will raise an exception. # However it will be kept alive until all retrieved Message() # objects are also deleted. If you do e.g. an explicit del(msgs) # here, the following lines would fail. # You can reiterate over *msglist* however as often as you want. # It is simply a list with :class:`Message`s. print (msglist[0].get_filename()) print (msglist[1].get_filename()) print (msglist[0].get_message_id()) As :class:`Message` implements both __hash__() and __cmp__(), it is possible to make sets out of :class:`Messages` and use set arithmetic (this happens in python and will of course be *much* slower than redoing a proper query with the appropriate filters:: s1, s2 = set(msgs1), set(msgs2) s.union(s2) s1 -= s2 ... Be careful when using set arithmetic between message sets derived from different Databases (ie the same database reopened after messages have changed). If messages have added or removed associated files in the meantime, it is possible that the same message would be considered as a different object (as it points to a different file). """ #notmuch_messages_get _get = nmlib.notmuch_messages_get _get.argtypes = [NotmuchMessagesP] _get.restype = NotmuchMessageP _collect_tags = nmlib.notmuch_messages_collect_tags _collect_tags.argtypes = [NotmuchMessagesP] _collect_tags.restype = NotmuchTagsP def __init__(self, msgs_p, parent=None): """ :param msgs_p: A pointer to an underlying *notmuch_messages_t* structure. These are not publically exposed, so a user will almost never instantiate a :class:`Messages` object herself. They are usually handed back as a result, e.g. in :meth:`Query.search_messages`. *msgs_p* must be valid, we will raise an :exc:`NotmuchError` (STATUS.NULL_POINTER) if it is `None`. :type msgs_p: :class:`ctypes.c_void_p` :param parent: The parent object (ie :class:`Query`) these tags are derived from. It saves a reference to it, so we can automatically delete the db object once all derived objects are dead. :TODO: Make the iterator work more than once and cache the tags in the Python object.(?) """ if msgs_p is None: raise NotmuchError(STATUS.NULL_POINTER) self._msgs = msgs_p #store parent, so we keep them alive as long as self is alive self._parent = parent def collect_tags(self): """Return the unique :class:`Tags` in the contained messages :returns: :class:`Tags` :exceptions: :exc:`NotmuchError` STATUS.NOT_INITIALIZED if not init'ed .. note:: :meth:`collect_tags` will iterate over the messages and therefore will not allow further iterations. """ if self._msgs is None: raise NotmuchError(STATUS.NOT_INITIALIZED) # collect all tags (returns NULL on error) tags_p = Messages._collect_tags(self._msgs) #reset _msgs as we iterated over it and can do so only once self._msgs = None if tags_p == None: raise NotmuchError(STATUS.NULL_POINTER) return Tags(tags_p, self) def __iter__(self): """ Make Messages an iterator """ return self _valid = nmlib.notmuch_messages_valid _valid.argtypes = [NotmuchMessagesP] _valid.restype = bool _move_to_next = nmlib.notmuch_messages_move_to_next _move_to_next.argtypes = [NotmuchMessagesP] _move_to_next.restype = None def next(self): if self._msgs is None: raise NotmuchError(STATUS.NOT_INITIALIZED) if not self._valid(self._msgs): self._msgs = None raise StopIteration msg = Message(Messages._get(self._msgs), self) self._move_to_next(self._msgs) return msg def __nonzero__(self): """ :return: True if there is at least one more thread in the Iterator, False if not.""" return self._msgs is not None and \ self._valid(self._msgs) > 0 _destroy = nmlib.notmuch_messages_destroy _destroy.argtypes = [NotmuchMessagesP] _destroy.restype = None def __del__(self): """Close and free the notmuch Messages""" if self._msgs is not None: self._destroy(self._msgs) def format_messages(self, format, indent=0, entire_thread=False): """Formats messages as needed for 'notmuch show'. :param format: A string of either 'text' or 'json'. :param indent: A number indicating the reply depth of these messages. :param entire_thread: A bool, indicating whether we want to output whole threads or only the matching messages. :return: a list of lines """ result = list() if format.lower() == "text": set_start = "" set_end = "" set_sep = "" elif format.lower() == "json": set_start = "[" set_end = "]" set_sep = ", " else: raise TypeError("format must be either 'text' or 'json'") first_set = True result.append(set_start) # iterate through all toplevel messages in this thread for msg in self: # if not msg: # break if not first_set: result.append(set_sep) first_set = False result.append(set_start) match = msg.is_match() next_indent = indent if (match or entire_thread): if format.lower() == "text": result.append(msg.format_message_as_text(indent)) else: result.append(msg.format_message_as_json(indent)) next_indent = indent + 1 # get replies and print them also out (if there are any) replies = msg.get_replies().format_messages(format, next_indent, entire_thread) if replies: result.append(set_sep) result.extend(replies) result.append(set_end) result.append(set_end) return result def print_messages(self, format, indent=0, entire_thread=False, handle=sys.stdout): """Outputs messages as needed for 'notmuch show' to a file like object. :param format: A string of either 'text' or 'json'. :param handle: A file like object to print to (default is sys.stdout). :param indent: A number indicating the reply depth of these messages. :param entire_thread: A bool, indicating whether we want to output whole threads or only the matching messages. """ handle.write(''.join(self.format_messages(format, indent, entire_thread))) class EmptyMessagesResult(Messages): def __init__(self, parent): self._msgs = None self._parent = parent def __next__(self): raise StopIteration() next = __next__ class Message(object): """Represents a single Email message Technically, this wraps the underlying *notmuch_message_t* structure. A user will usually not create these objects themselves but get them as search results. As it implements :meth:`__cmp__`, it is possible to compare two :class:`Message`\s using `if msg1 == msg2: ...`. """ """notmuch_message_get_filename (notmuch_message_t *message)""" _get_filename = nmlib.notmuch_message_get_filename _get_filename.argtypes = [NotmuchMessageP] _get_filename.restype = c_char_p """return all filenames for a message""" _get_filenames = nmlib.notmuch_message_get_filenames _get_filenames.argtypes = [NotmuchMessageP] _get_filenames.restype = NotmuchFilenamesP """notmuch_message_get_flag""" _get_flag = nmlib.notmuch_message_get_flag _get_flag.argtypes = [NotmuchMessageP, c_uint] _get_flag.restype = bool """notmuch_message_set_flag""" _set_flag = nmlib.notmuch_message_set_flag _set_flag.argtypes = [NotmuchMessageP, c_uint, c_int] _set_flag.restype = None """notmuch_message_get_message_id (notmuch_message_t *message)""" _get_message_id = nmlib.notmuch_message_get_message_id _get_message_id.argtypes = [NotmuchMessageP] _get_message_id.restype = c_char_p """notmuch_message_get_thread_id""" _get_thread_id = nmlib.notmuch_message_get_thread_id _get_thread_id.argtypes = [NotmuchMessageP] _get_thread_id.restype = c_char_p """notmuch_message_get_replies""" _get_replies = nmlib.notmuch_message_get_replies _get_replies.argtypes = [NotmuchMessageP] _get_replies.restype = NotmuchMessagesP """notmuch_message_get_tags (notmuch_message_t *message)""" _get_tags = nmlib.notmuch_message_get_tags _get_tags.argtypes = [NotmuchMessageP] _get_tags.restype = NotmuchTagsP _get_date = nmlib.notmuch_message_get_date _get_date.argtypes = [NotmuchMessageP] _get_date.restype = c_long _get_header = nmlib.notmuch_message_get_header _get_header.argtypes = [NotmuchMessageP, c_char_p] _get_header.restype = c_char_p """notmuch_status_t ..._maildir_flags_to_tags (notmuch_message_t *)""" _tags_to_maildir_flags = nmlib.notmuch_message_tags_to_maildir_flags _tags_to_maildir_flags.argtypes = [NotmuchMessageP] _tags_to_maildir_flags.restype = c_int """notmuch_status_t ..._tags_to_maildir_flags (notmuch_message_t *)""" _maildir_flags_to_tags = nmlib.notmuch_message_maildir_flags_to_tags _maildir_flags_to_tags.argtypes = [NotmuchMessageP] _maildir_flags_to_tags.restype = c_int #Constants: Flags that can be set/get with set_flag FLAG = Enum(['MATCH']) def __init__(self, msg_p, parent=None): """ :param msg_p: A pointer to an internal notmuch_message_t Structure. If it is `None`, we will raise an :exc:`NotmuchError` STATUS.NULL_POINTER. :param parent: A 'parent' object is passed which this message is derived from. We save a reference to it, so we can automatically delete the parent object once all derived objects are dead. """ if msg_p is None: raise NotmuchError(STATUS.NULL_POINTER) self._msg = msg_p #keep reference to parent, so we keep it alive self._parent = parent def get_message_id(self): """Returns the message ID :returns: String with a message ID :exception: :exc:`NotmuchError` STATUS.NOT_INITIALIZED if the message is not initialized. """ if self._msg is None: raise NotmuchError(STATUS.NOT_INITIALIZED) return Message._get_message_id(self._msg) def get_thread_id(self): """Returns the thread ID The returned string belongs to 'message' will only be valid for as long as the message is valid. This function will not return `None` since Notmuch ensures that every message belongs to a single thread. :returns: String with a thread ID :exception: :exc:`NotmuchError` STATUS.NOT_INITIALIZED if the message is not initialized. """ if self._msg is None: raise NotmuchError(STATUS.NOT_INITIALIZED) return Message._get_thread_id(self._msg) def get_replies(self): """Gets all direct replies to this message as :class:`Messages` iterator .. note:: This call only makes sense if 'message' was ultimately obtained from a :class:`Thread` object, (such as by coming directly from the result of calling :meth:`Thread.get_toplevel_messages` or by any number of subsequent calls to :meth:`get_replies`). If this message was obtained through some non-thread means, (such as by a call to :meth:`Query.search_messages`), then this function will return an empty Messages iterator. :returns: :class:`Messages`. :exception: :exc:`NotmuchError` STATUS.NOT_INITIALIZED if the message is not initialized. """ if self._msg is None: raise NotmuchError(STATUS.NOT_INITIALIZED) msgs_p = Message._get_replies(self._msg) if msgs_p is None: return EmptyMessagesResult(self) return Messages(msgs_p, self) def get_date(self): """Returns time_t of the message date For the original textual representation of the Date header from the message call notmuch_message_get_header() with a header value of "date". :returns: A time_t timestamp. :rtype: c_unit64 :exception: :exc:`NotmuchError` STATUS.NOT_INITIALIZED if the message is not initialized. """ if self._msg is None: raise NotmuchError(STATUS.NOT_INITIALIZED) return Message._get_date(self._msg) def get_header(self, header): """Get the value of the specified header. The value will be read from the actual message file, not from the notmuch database. The header name is case insensitive. Returns an empty string ("") if the message does not contain a header line matching 'header'. :param header: The name of the header to be retrieved. It is not case-sensitive. :type header: str :returns: The header value as string :exception: :exc:`NotmuchError` * STATUS.NOT_INITIALIZED if the message is not initialized. * STATUS.NULL_POINTER if any error occured. """ if self._msg is None: raise NotmuchError(STATUS.NOT_INITIALIZED) #Returns NULL if any error occurs. header = Message._get_header(self._msg, header) if header == None: raise NotmuchError(STATUS.NULL_POINTER) return header.decode('UTF-8', errors='ignore') def get_filename(self): """Returns the file path of the message file :returns: Absolute file path & name of the message file :exception: :exc:`NotmuchError` STATUS.NOT_INITIALIZED if the message is not initialized. """ if self._msg is None: raise NotmuchError(STATUS.NOT_INITIALIZED) return Message._get_filename(self._msg) def get_filenames(self): """Get all filenames for the email corresponding to 'message' Returns a Filenames() generator with all absolute filepaths for messages recorded to have the same Message-ID. These files must not necessarily have identical content.""" if self._msg is None: raise NotmuchError(STATUS.NOT_INITIALIZED) files_p = Message._get_filenames(self._msg) return Filenames(files_p, self).as_generator() def get_flag(self, flag): """Checks whether a specific flag is set for this message The method :meth:`Query.search_threads` sets *Message.FLAG.MATCH* for those messages that match the query. This method allows us to get the value of this flag. :param flag: One of the :attr:`Message.FLAG` values (currently only *Message.FLAG.MATCH* :returns: An unsigned int (0/1), indicating whether the flag is set. :exception: :exc:`NotmuchError` STATUS.NOT_INITIALIZED if the message is not initialized. """ if self._msg is None: raise NotmuchError(STATUS.NOT_INITIALIZED) return Message._get_flag(self._msg, flag) def set_flag(self, flag, value): """Sets/Unsets a specific flag for this message :param flag: One of the :attr:`Message.FLAG` values (currently only *Message.FLAG.MATCH* :param value: A bool indicating whether to set or unset the flag. :returns: Nothing :exception: :exc:`NotmuchError` STATUS.NOT_INITIALIZED if the message is not initialized. """ if self._msg is None: raise NotmuchError(STATUS.NOT_INITIALIZED) self._set_flag(self._msg, flag, value) def get_tags(self): """Returns the message tags :returns: A :class:`Tags` iterator. :exception: :exc:`NotmuchError` * STATUS.NOT_INITIALIZED if the message is not initialized. * STATUS.NULL_POINTER, on error """ if self._msg is None: raise NotmuchError(STATUS.NOT_INITIALIZED) tags_p = Message._get_tags(self._msg) if tags_p == None: raise NotmuchError(STATUS.NULL_POINTER) return Tags(tags_p, self) _add_tag = nmlib.notmuch_message_add_tag _add_tag.argtypes = [NotmuchMessageP, c_char_p] _add_tag.restype = c_uint def add_tag(self, tag, sync_maildir_flags=False): """Adds a tag to the given message Adds a tag to the current message. The maximal tag length is defined in the notmuch library and is currently 200 bytes. :param tag: String with a 'tag' to be added. :param sync_maildir_flags: If notmuch configuration is set to do this, add maildir flags corresponding to notmuch tags. See underlying method :meth:`tags_to_maildir_flags`. Use False if you want to add/remove many tags on a message without having to physically rename the file every time. Do note, that this will do nothing when a message is frozen, as tag changes will not be committed to the database yet. :returns: STATUS.SUCCESS if the tag was successfully added. Raises an exception otherwise. :exception: :exc:`NotmuchError`. They have the following meaning: STATUS.NULL_POINTER The 'tag' argument is NULL STATUS.TAG_TOO_LONG The length of 'tag' is too long (exceeds Message.NOTMUCH_TAG_MAX) STATUS.READ_ONLY_DATABASE Database was opened in read-only mode so message cannot be modified. STATUS.NOT_INITIALIZED The message has not been initialized. """ if self._msg is None: raise NotmuchError(STATUS.NOT_INITIALIZED) status = self._add_tag(self._msg, _str(tag)) # bail out on failure if status != STATUS.SUCCESS: raise NotmuchError(status) if sync_maildir_flags: self.tags_to_maildir_flags() return STATUS.SUCCESS _remove_tag = nmlib.notmuch_message_remove_tag _remove_tag.argtypes = [NotmuchMessageP, c_char_p] _remove_tag.restype = c_uint def remove_tag(self, tag, sync_maildir_flags=False): """Removes a tag from the given message If the message has no such tag, this is a non-operation and will report success anyway. :param tag: String with a 'tag' to be removed. :param sync_maildir_flags: If notmuch configuration is set to do this, add maildir flags corresponding to notmuch tags. See underlying method :meth:`tags_to_maildir_flags`. Use False if you want to add/remove many tags on a message without having to physically rename the file every time. Do note, that this will do nothing when a message is frozen, as tag changes will not be committed to the database yet. :returns: STATUS.SUCCESS if the tag was successfully removed or if the message had no such tag. Raises an exception otherwise. :exception: :exc:`NotmuchError`. They have the following meaning: STATUS.NULL_POINTER The 'tag' argument is NULL STATUS.TAG_TOO_LONG The length of 'tag' is too long (exceeds NOTMUCH_TAG_MAX) STATUS.READ_ONLY_DATABASE Database was opened in read-only mode so message cannot be modified. STATUS.NOT_INITIALIZED The message has not been initialized. """ if self._msg is None: raise NotmuchError(STATUS.NOT_INITIALIZED) status = self._remove_tag(self._msg, _str(tag)) # bail out on error if status != STATUS.SUCCESS: raise NotmuchError(status) if sync_maildir_flags: self.tags_to_maildir_flags() return STATUS.SUCCESS _remove_all_tags = nmlib.notmuch_message_remove_all_tags _remove_all_tags.argtypes = [NotmuchMessageP] _remove_all_tags.restype = c_uint def remove_all_tags(self, sync_maildir_flags=False): """Removes all tags from the given message. See :meth:`freeze` for an example showing how to safely replace tag values. :param sync_maildir_flags: If notmuch configuration is set to do this, add maildir flags corresponding to notmuch tags. See :meth:`tags_to_maildir_flags`. Use False if you want to add/remove many tags on a message without having to physically rename the file every time. Do note, that this will do nothing when a message is frozen, as tag changes will not be committed to the database yet. :returns: STATUS.SUCCESS if the tags were successfully removed. Raises an exception otherwise. :exception: :exc:`NotmuchError`. They have the following meaning: STATUS.READ_ONLY_DATABASE Database was opened in read-only mode so message cannot be modified. STATUS.NOT_INITIALIZED The message has not been initialized. """ if self._msg is None: raise NotmuchError(STATUS.NOT_INITIALIZED) status = self._remove_all_tags(self._msg) # bail out on error if status != STATUS.SUCCESS: raise NotmuchError(status) if sync_maildir_flags: self.tags_to_maildir_flags() return STATUS.SUCCESS _freeze = nmlib.notmuch_message_freeze _freeze.argtypes = [NotmuchMessageP] _freeze.restype = c_uint def freeze(self): """Freezes the current state of 'message' within the database This means that changes to the message state, (via :meth:`add_tag`, :meth:`remove_tag`, and :meth:`remove_all_tags`), will not be committed to the database until the message is :meth:`thaw` ed. Multiple calls to freeze/thaw are valid and these calls will "stack". That is there must be as many calls to thaw as to freeze before a message is actually thawed. The ability to do freeze/thaw allows for safe transactions to change tag values. For example, explicitly setting a message to have a given set of tags might look like this:: msg.freeze() msg.remove_all_tags(False) for tag in new_tags: msg.add_tag(tag, False) msg.thaw() msg.tags_to_maildir_flags() With freeze/thaw used like this, the message in the database is guaranteed to have either the full set of original tag values, or the full set of new tag values, but nothing in between. Imagine the example above without freeze/thaw and the operation somehow getting interrupted. This could result in the message being left with no tags if the interruption happened after :meth:`remove_all_tags` but before :meth:`add_tag`. :returns: STATUS.SUCCESS if the message was successfully frozen. Raises an exception otherwise. :exception: :exc:`NotmuchError`. They have the following meaning: STATUS.READ_ONLY_DATABASE Database was opened in read-only mode so message cannot be modified. STATUS.NOT_INITIALIZED The message has not been initialized. """ if self._msg is None: raise NotmuchError(STATUS.NOT_INITIALIZED) status = self._freeze(self._msg) if STATUS.SUCCESS == status: # return on success return status raise NotmuchError(status) _thaw = nmlib.notmuch_message_thaw _thaw.argtypes = [NotmuchMessageP] _thaw.restype = c_uint def thaw(self): """Thaws the current 'message' Thaw the current 'message', synchronizing any changes that may have occurred while 'message' was frozen into the notmuch database. See :meth:`freeze` for an example of how to use this function to safely provide tag changes. Multiple calls to freeze/thaw are valid and these calls with "stack". That is there must be as many calls to thaw as to freeze before a message is actually thawed. :returns: STATUS.SUCCESS if the message was successfully frozen. Raises an exception otherwise. :exception: :exc:`NotmuchError`. They have the following meaning: STATUS.UNBALANCED_FREEZE_THAW An attempt was made to thaw an unfrozen message. That is, there have been an unbalanced number of calls to :meth:`freeze` and :meth:`thaw`. STATUS.NOT_INITIALIZED The message has not been initialized. """ if self._msg is None: raise NotmuchError(STATUS.NOT_INITIALIZED) status = self._thaw(self._msg) if STATUS.SUCCESS == status: # return on success return status raise NotmuchError(status) def is_match(self): """(Not implemented)""" return self.get_flag(Message.FLAG.MATCH) def tags_to_maildir_flags(self): """Synchronize notmuch tags to file Maildir flags 'D' if the message has the "draft" tag 'F' if the message has the "flagged" tag 'P' if the message has the "passed" tag 'R' if the message has the "replied" tag 'S' if the message does not have the "unread" tag Any existing flags unmentioned in the list above will be preserved in the renaming. Also, if this filename is in a directory named "new", rename it to be within the neighboring directory named "cur". Do note that calling this method while a message is frozen might not work yet, as the modified tags have not been committed yet to the database. :returns: a :class:`STATUS` value. In short, you want to see notmuch.STATUS.SUCCESS here. See there for details.""" if self._msg is None: raise NotmuchError(STATUS.NOT_INITIALIZED) return Message._tags_to_maildir_flags(self._msg) def maildir_flags_to_tags(self): """Synchronize file Maildir flags to notmuch tags Flag Action if present ---- ----------------- 'D' Adds the "draft" tag to the message 'F' Adds the "flagged" tag to the message 'P' Adds the "passed" tag to the message 'R' Adds the "replied" tag to the message 'S' Removes the "unread" tag from the message For each flag that is not present, the opposite action (add/remove) is performed for the corresponding tags. If there are multiple filenames associated with this message, the flag is considered present if it appears in one or more filenames. (That is, the flags from the multiple filenames are combined with the logical OR operator.) As a convenience, you can set the sync_maildir_flags parameter in :meth:`Database.add_message` to implicitly call this. :returns: a :class:`STATUS`. In short, you want to see notmuch.STATUS.SUCCESS here. See there for details.""" if self._msg is None: raise NotmuchError(STATUS.NOT_INITIALIZED) return Message._tags_to_maildir_flags(self._msg) def __repr__(self): """Represent a Message() object by str()""" return self.__str__() def __str__(self): return unicode(self).encode('utf-8') def __unicode__(self): format = "%s (%s) (%s)" return format % (self.get_header('from'), self.get_tags(), date.fromtimestamp(self.get_date()), ) def get_message_parts(self): """Output like notmuch show""" fp = open(self.get_filename()) email_msg = email.message_from_file(fp) fp.close() out = [] for msg in email_msg.walk(): if not msg.is_multipart(): out.append(msg) return out def get_part(self, num): """Returns the nth message body part""" parts = self.get_message_parts() if (num <= 0 or num > len(parts)): return "" else: out_part = parts[(num - 1)] return out_part.get_payload(decode=True) def format_message_internal(self): """Create an internal representation of the message parts, which can easily be output to json, text, or another output format. The argument match tells whether this matched a query.""" output = {} output["id"] = self.get_message_id() output["match"] = self.is_match() output["filename"] = self.get_filename() output["tags"] = list(self.get_tags()) headers = {} for h in ["Subject", "From", "To", "Cc", "Bcc", "Date"]: headers[h] = self.get_header(h) output["headers"] = headers body = [] parts = self.get_message_parts() for i in xrange(len(parts)): msg = parts[i] part_dict = {} part_dict["id"] = i + 1 # We'll be using this is a lot, so let's just get it once. cont_type = msg.get_content_type() part_dict["content-type"] = cont_type # NOTE: # Now we emulate the current behaviour, where it ignores # the html if there's a text representation. # # This is being worked on, but it will be easier to fix # here in the future than to end up with another # incompatible solution. disposition = msg["Content-Disposition"] if disposition and disposition.lower().startswith("attachment"): part_dict["filename"] = msg.get_filename() else: if cont_type.lower() == "text/plain": part_dict["content"] = msg.get_payload() elif (cont_type.lower() == "text/html" and i == 0): part_dict["content"] = msg.get_payload() body.append(part_dict) output["body"] = body return output def format_message_as_json(self, indent=0): """Outputs the message as json. This is essentially the same as python's dict format, but we run it through, just so we don't have to worry about the details.""" return json.dumps(self.format_message_internal()) def format_message_as_text(self, indent=0): """Outputs it in the old-fashioned notmuch text form. Will be easy to change to a new format when the format changes.""" format = self.format_message_internal() output = "\fmessage{ id:%s depth:%d match:%d filename:%s" \ % (format['id'], indent, format['match'], format['filename']) output += "\n\fheader{" #Todo: this date is supposed to be prettified, as in the index. output += "\n%s (%s) (" % (format["headers"]["From"], format["headers"]["Date"]) output += ", ".join(format["tags"]) output += ")" output += "\nSubject: %s" % format["headers"]["Subject"] output += "\nFrom: %s" % format["headers"]["From"] output += "\nTo: %s" % format["headers"]["To"] if format["headers"]["Cc"]: output += "\nCc: %s" % format["headers"]["Cc"] if format["headers"]["Bcc"]: output += "\nBcc: %s" % format["headers"]["Bcc"] output += "\nDate: %s" % format["headers"]["Date"] output += "\n\fheader}" output += "\n\fbody{" parts = format["body"] parts.sort(key=lambda x: x['id']) for p in parts: if not "filename" in p: output += "\n\fpart{ " output += "ID: %d, Content-type: %s\n" % (p["id"], p["content-type"]) if "content" in p: output += "\n%s\n" % p["content"] else: output += "Non-text part: %s\n" % p["content-type"] output += "\n\fpart}" else: output += "\n\fattachment{ " output += "ID: %d, Content-type:%s\n" % (p["id"], p["content-type"]) output += "Attachment: %s\n" % p["filename"] output += "\n\fattachment}\n" output += "\n\fbody}\n" output += "\n\fmessage}" return output def __hash__(self): """Implement hash(), so we can use Message() sets""" file = self.get_filename() if file is None: return None return hash(file) def __cmp__(self, other): """Implement cmp(), so we can compare Message()s 2 messages are considered equal if they point to the same Message-Id and if they point to the same file names. If 2 Messages derive from different queries where some files have been added or removed, the same messages would not be considered equal (as they do not point to the same set of files any more).""" res = cmp(self.get_message_id(), other.get_message_id()) if res: res = cmp(list(self.get_filenames()), list(other.get_filenames())) return res _destroy = nmlib.notmuch_message_destroy _destroy.argtypes = [NotmuchMessageP] _destroy.restype = None def __del__(self): """Close and free the notmuch Message""" if self._msg is not None: self._destroy(self._msg)