# -*- makefile -*- # Here's the (hopefully simple) versioning scheme. # # Releases of notmuch have a two-digit version (0.1, 0.2, etc.). We # increment the second digit for each release and increment the first # digit when we reach particularly major milestones of usability. # # Between releases, (such as when compiling notmuch from the git # repository), we let git append identification of the actual commit. PACKAGE=notmuch IS_GIT=$(shell if [ -d .git ] ; then echo yes ; else echo no; fi) ifeq ($(IS_GIT),yes) DATE:=$(shell git log --date=short -1 --pretty=format:%cd) else DATE:=$(shell date +%F) endif VERSION:=$(shell cat ${srcdir}/version) ifeq ($(filter release release-message pre-release update-versions,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),) ifeq ($(IS_GIT),yes) VERSION:=$(shell git describe --match '[0-9.]*'|sed -e s/_/~/ -e s/-/+/ -e s/-/~/) endif endif UPSTREAM_TAG=$(subst ~,_,$(VERSION)) DEB_TAG=debian/$(UPSTREAM_TAG)-1 RELEASE_HOST=notmuchmail.org RELEASE_DIR=/srv/notmuchmail.org/www/releases RELEASE_URL=http://notmuchmail.org/releases TAR_FILE=$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION).tar.gz DEB_TAR_FILE=$(PACKAGE)_$(VERSION).orig.tar.gz SHA1_FILE=$(TAR_FILE).sha1 GPG_FILE=$(SHA1_FILE).asc PV_FILE=bindings/python/notmuch/version.py # Smash together user's values with our extra values FINAL_CFLAGS = -DNOTMUCH_VERSION=$(VERSION) $(CFLAGS) $(WARN_CFLAGS) $(CONFIGURE_CFLAGS) $(extra_cflags) FINAL_CXXFLAGS = $(CXXFLAGS) $(WARN_CXXFLAGS) $(CONFIGURE_CXXFLAGS) $(extra_cflags) $(extra_cxxflags) FINAL_NOTMUCH_LDFLAGS = $(LDFLAGS) -Lutil -lutil -Llib -lnotmuch $(AS_NEEDED_LDFLAGS) $(GMIME_LDFLAGS) $(TALLOC_LDFLAGS) FINAL_NOTMUCH_LINKER = CC ifneq ($(LINKER_RESOLVES_LIBRARY_DEPENDENCIES),1) FINAL_NOTMUCH_LDFLAGS += $(CONFIGURE_LDFLAGS) FINAL_NOTMUCH_LINKER = CXX endif ifeq ($(LIBDIR_IN_LDCONFIG),0) FINAL_NOTMUCH_LDFLAGS += $(RPATH_LDFLAGS) endif FINAL_LIBNOTMUCH_LDFLAGS = $(LDFLAGS) $(AS_NEEDED_LDFLAGS) $(CONFIGURE_LDFLAGS) .PHONY: all all: notmuch notmuch-shared notmuch.1.gz ifeq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),) ifeq ($(shell cat .first-build-message 2>/dev/null),) @NOTMUCH_FIRST_BUILD=1 $(MAKE) --no-print-directory all @echo "" @echo "Compilation of notmuch is now complete. You can install notmuch with:" @echo "" @echo " make install" @echo "" @echo "Note that depending on the prefix to which you are installing" @echo "you may need root permission (such as \"sudo make install\")." @echo "See \"./configure --help\" for help on setting an alternate prefix." @echo Printed > .first-build-message endif endif $(TAR_FILE): if git tag -v $(VERSION) >/dev/null 2>&1; then \ ref=$(VERSION); \ else \ ref="HEAD" ; \ echo "Warning: No signed tag for $(VERSION)"; \ fi ; \ git archive --format=tar --prefix=$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)/ $$ref > $(TAR_FILE).tmp echo $(VERSION) > version.tmp tar --append -f $(TAR_FILE).tmp --transform s_^_$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)/_ --transform 's_.tmp$$__' version.tmp rm version.tmp gzip < $(TAR_FILE).tmp > $(TAR_FILE) @echo "Source is ready for release in $(TAR_FILE)" $(SHA1_FILE): $(TAR_FILE) sha1sum $^ > $@ $(GPG_FILE): $(SHA1_FILE) @echo "Please enter your GPG password to sign the checksum." gpg --armor --sign $^ .PHONY: dist dist: $(TAR_FILE) .PHONY: update-versions update-versions: sed -i "s/^.TH NOTMUCH 1.*$$/.TH NOTMUCH 1 ${DATE} \"Notmuch ${VERSION}\"/" notmuch.1 sed -i "s/^__VERSION__[[:blank:]]*=.*$$/__VERSION__ = \'${VERSION}\'/" $(PV_FILE) # We invoke make recursively only to force ordering of our phony # targets in the case of parallel invocation of make (-j). # # We carefully ensure that our VERSION variable is passed down to any # sub-ordinate make invocations (which won't otherwise know that they # are part of the release and need to take the version from the # version file). .PHONY: release release: verify-source-tree-and-version $(MAKE) VERSION=$(VERSION) verify-newer $(MAKE) VERSION=$(VERSION) clean $(MAKE) VERSION=$(VERSION) test git tag -s -m "$(PACKAGE) $(VERSION) release" $(UPSTREAM_TAG) $(MAKE) VERSION=$(VERSION) $(GPG_FILE) ln -sf $(TAR_FILE) $(DEB_TAR_FILE) pristine-tar commit $(DEB_TAR_FILE) $(UPSTREAM_TAG) git tag -s -m "$(PACKAGE) Debian $(VERSION)-1 upload (same as $(VERSION))" $(DEB_TAG) mkdir -p releases mv $(TAR_FILE) $(SHA1_FILE) $(GPG_FILE) releases $(MAKE) VERSION=$(VERSION) release-message > $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION).announce ifeq ($(REALLY_UPLOAD),yes) git push origin $(VERSION) cd releases && scp $(TAR_FILE) $(SHA1_FILE) $(GPG_FILE) $(RELEASE_HOST):$(RELEASE_DIR) ssh $(RELEASE_HOST) "rm -f $(RELEASE_DIR)/LATEST-$(PACKAGE)-* ; ln -s $(TAR_FILE) $(RELEASE_DIR)/LATEST-$(TAR_FILE)" endif @echo "Please send a release announcement using $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION).announce as a template." .PHONY: pre-release pre-release: $(MAKE) VERSION=$(VERSION) clean $(MAKE) VERSION=$(VERSION) test git tag -s -m "$(PACKAGE) $(VERSION) release" $(UPSTREAM_TAG) git tag -s -m "$(PACKAGE) Debian $(VERSION)-1 upload (same as $(VERSION))" $(DEB_TAG) $(MAKE) VERSION=$(VERSION) $(TAR_FILE) ln -sf $(TAR_FILE) $(DEB_TAR_FILE) pristine-tar commit $(DEB_TAR_FILE) $(UPSTREAM_TAG) mkdir -p releases mv $(TAR_FILE) $(DEB_TAR_FILE) releases .PHONY: debian-snapshot debian-snapshot: TMPFILE := $(shell mktemp) debian-snapshot: make VERSION=$(VERSION) clean cp debian/changelog $(TMPFILE) EDITOR=/bin/true dch -b -v $(VERSION)+1 -D UNRELEASED 'test build, not for upload' echo '3.0 (native)' > debian/source/format debuild -us -uc mv -f $(TMPFILE) debian/changelog echo '3.0 (quilt)' > debian/source/format .PHONY: release-message release-message: @echo "To: notmuch@notmuchmail.org" @echo "Subject: $(PACKAGE) release $(VERSION) now available" @echo "" @echo "Where to obtain notmuch $(VERSION)" @echo "===========================" @echo " $(RELEASE_URL)/$(TAR_FILE)" @echo "" @echo "Which can be verified with:" @echo "" @echo " $(RELEASE_URL)/$(SHA1_FILE)" @echo -n " " @cat releases/$(SHA1_FILE) @echo "" @echo " $(RELEASE_URL)/$(GPG_FILE)" @echo " (signed by `getent passwd "$$USER" | cut -d: -f 5 | cut -d, -f 1`)" @echo "" @echo "What's new in notmuch $(VERSION)" @echo "=========================" @sed -ne '/^[Nn]otmuch $(VERSION)/{n;n;b NEWS}; d; :NEWS /^===/q; {p;n;b NEWS}' < NEWS | head -n -2 @echo "" @echo "What is notmuch" @echo "===============" @echo "Notmuch is a system for indexing, searching, reading, and tagging" @echo "large collections of email messages in maildir or mh format. It uses" @echo "the Xapian library to provide fast, full-text search with a convenient" @echo "search syntax." @echo "" @echo "For more about notmuch, see http://notmuchmail.org" # This is a chain of dependencies rather than a simple list simply to # avoid the messages getting interleaved in the case of a parallel # make invocation. .PHONY: verify-source-tree-and-version verify-source-tree-and-version: verify-no-dirty-code .PHONY: verify-no-dirty-code verify-no-dirty-code: verify-version-debian verify-version-python verify-version-manpage ifeq ($(IS_GIT),yes) @printf "Checking that source tree is clean..." ifneq ($(shell git ls-files -m),) @echo "No" @echo "The following files have been modified since the most recent git commit:" @echo "" @git ls-files -m @echo "" @echo "The release will be made from the committed state, but perhaps you meant" @echo "to commit this code first? Please clean this up to make it more clear." @false else @echo "Good" endif endif .PHONY: verify-version-debian verify-version-debian: verify-version-components @echo -n "Checking that Debian package version is $(VERSION)-1..." @[ "$(VERSION)-1" = $$(sed '1{ s/).*//; s/.*(//; q; }' debian/changelog) ] || \ (echo "No." && \ echo "Please edit version and debian/changelog to have consistent versions." && false) @echo "Good." .PHONY: verify-version-python verify-version-python: verify-version-components @echo -n "Checking that python bindings version is $(VERSION)..." @[ "$(VERSION)" = $$(python -c "execfile('$(PV_FILE)'); print __VERSION__") ] || \ (echo "No." && \ echo "Please edit version and $(PV_FILE) to have consistent versions." && false) @echo "Good." .PHONY: verify-version-manpage verify-version-manpage: verify-version-components @echo -n "Checking that manual page version is $(VERSION)..." @[ "$(VERSION)" = $$(sed -n '/^[.]TH NOTMUCH 1/{s/.*"Notmuch //;s/".*//p;}' notmuch.1) ] || \ (echo "No." && \ echo "Please edit version and notmuch.1 to have consistent versions." && false) @echo "Good." .PHONY: verify-version-components verify-version-components: @echo -n "Checking that $(VERSION) consists only of digits and periods..." @echo $(VERSION) | grep -q -x '^[0-9.]*$$' || \ (echo "No." && \ echo "Please follow the instructions in RELEASING to choose a version" && false) @echo "Good." .PHONY: verify-newer verify-newer: @echo -n "Checking that no $(VERSION) release already exists..." @wget -q -O /dev/null $(RELEASE_URL)/$(TAR_FILE) ; \ case $$? in \ 8) echo "Good." ;; \ 0) echo "Ouch."; \ echo "Found: $(RELEASE_URL)/$(TAR_FILE)"; \ echo "Refusing to replace an existing release."; \ echo "Don't forget to update \"version\" as described in RELEASING before release." ; \ false ;; \ *) echo "An unexpected error occured"; \ false;; esac # The user has not set any verbosity, default to quiet mode and inform the # user how to enable verbose compiles. ifeq ($(V),) quiet_DOC := "Use \"$(MAKE) V=1\" to see the verbose compile lines.\n" quiet = @printf $(quiet_DOC)$(eval quiet_DOC:=)"$1 $@\n"; $($(shell echo $1 | sed -e s'/ .*//')) endif # The user has explicitly enabled quiet compilation. ifeq ($(V),0) quiet = @printf "$1 $@\n"; $($(shell echo $1 | sed -e s'/ .*//')) endif # Otherwise, print the full command line. quiet ?= $($(shell echo $1 | sed -e s'/ .*//')) %.o: %.cc $(global_deps) $(call quiet,CXX $(CXXFLAGS)) -c $(FINAL_CXXFLAGS) $< -o $@ %.o: %.c $(global_deps) $(call quiet,CC $(CFLAGS)) -c $(FINAL_CFLAGS) $< -o $@ .deps/%.d: %.c $(global_deps) @set -e; rm -f $@; mkdir -p $$(dirname $@) ; \ $(CC) -M $(CPPFLAGS) $(FINAL_CFLAGS) $< > $@.$$$$ 2>/dev/null ; \ sed 's,'$$(basename $*)'\.o[ :]*,$*.o $@ : ,g' < $@.$$$$ > $@; \ rm -f $@.$$$$ .deps/%.d: %.cc $(global_deps) @set -e; rm -f $@; mkdir -p $$(dirname $@) ; \ $(CXX) -M $(CPPFLAGS) $(FINAL_CXXFLAGS) $< > $@.$$$$ 2>/dev/null ; \ sed 's,'$$(basename $*)'\.o[ :]*,$*.o $@ : ,g' < $@.$$$$ > $@; \ rm -f $@.$$$$ DEPS := $(SRCS:%.c=.deps/%.d) DEPS := $(DEPS:%.cc=.deps/%.d) -include $(DEPS) .PHONY : clean clean: rm -f $(CLEAN); rm -rf .deps # We don't (yet) have any distributed files not in the upstream repository. # So distclean is currently identical to clean. .PHONY: distclean distclean: clean notmuch_client_srcs = \ debugger.c \ gmime-filter-reply.c \ gmime-filter-headers.c \ hooks.c \ notmuch.c \ notmuch-config.c \ notmuch-count.c \ notmuch-dump.c \ notmuch-new.c \ notmuch-reply.c \ notmuch-restore.c \ notmuch-search.c \ notmuch-setup.c \ notmuch-show.c \ notmuch-tag.c \ notmuch-time.c \ query-string.c \ show-message.c \ json.c notmuch_client_modules = $(notmuch_client_srcs:.c=.o) notmuch: $(notmuch_client_modules) lib/libnotmuch.a util/libutil.a $(call quiet,CXX $(CFLAGS)) $^ $(FINAL_LIBNOTMUCH_LDFLAGS) -o $@ notmuch-shared: $(notmuch_client_modules) lib/$(LINKER_NAME) $(call quiet,$(FINAL_NOTMUCH_LINKER) $(CFLAGS)) $(notmuch_client_modules) $(FINAL_NOTMUCH_LDFLAGS) -o $@ notmuch.1.gz: notmuch.1 gzip --stdout $^ > $@ .PHONY: install install: all notmuch.1.gz mkdir -p "$(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1" install -m0644 notmuch.1.gz "$(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1/" mkdir -p "$(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/bin/" install notmuch-shared "$(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/bin/notmuch" ifeq ($(MAKECMDGOALS), install) @echo "" @echo "Notmuch is now installed to $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)" @echo "" @echo "New users should simply run \"notmuch\" to be guided" @echo "through the process of configuring notmuch and creating" @echo "a database of existing email messages. The \"notmuch\"" @echo "command will also offer some sample search commands." ifeq ($(WITH_EMACS), 1) @echo "" @echo "Beyond the command-line interface, notmuch also offers" @echo "a full-featured interface for reading and writing mail" @echo "within emacs. To use this, each user should add the" @echo "following line to the ~/.emacs file:" @echo "" @echo " (require 'notmuch)" @echo "" @echo "And then run emacs as \"emacs -f notmuch\" or invoke" @echo "the command \"M-x notmuch\" from within emacs." endif endif .PHONY: install-desktop install-desktop: mkdir -p "$(DESTDIR)$(desktop_dir)" desktop-file-install --mode 0644 --dir "$(DESTDIR)$(desktop_dir)" notmuch.desktop SRCS := $(SRCS) $(notmuch_client_srcs) CLEAN := $(CLEAN) notmuch notmuch-shared $(notmuch_client_modules) notmuch.elc notmuch.1.gz