On Mon, 11 Jul 2011 15:22:24 +0200, Sebastian Spaeth wrote: > > Support for tags is mentioned in the RFC for IMAP, but it's optional. As > > far as I know, must servers today support them though. > > I can't speak for Gmail, but all major servers, ie Cyrus, Dovecot, and > even Exchange seem to handle tags just fine. I just realized that this was a quite misleading typo, that should have read "As far as I know, _most_ servers today support them though". I'd be very suprised if Gmail didn't support them. And even if not, one could work around that by having a hypothetical tag synchroniser handle Gmail differently and use their tagging mechanism: http://code.google.com/apis/gmail/imap/#x-gm-labels This would also have the added benefit of notmuch tags showing up in the other gmail-tag-aware applications, like the web-interface. Another issue brought up by DraX on IRC is that IMAP keywords don't handle unicode. (Although the RFC specifies that every character except some excluded special characters are allowed, so I guess it's implementation-dependent). I think the best way to go would be to extend both maildir and offlineimap somehow to store tags and then store them as IMAP keywords / gmail-labels in the case of Gmail on the server. Cheers, Daniel