On Fri 2017-07-14 15:12:00 +0200, Daniel Kahn Gillmor wrote: > gmime 3.0 no longer offers a means to set the path for gpg. > > Users can set $PATH anyway if they want to pick a > differently-installed gpg (e.g. /usr/local/bin/gpg), so this isn't > much of a reduction in functionality. see also: https://github.com/jstedfast/gmime/pull/7 > The one main difference is for people who have tried to use "gpg2" to > make use of gpg 2.1, but that isn't usefully co-installable anyway. I think the recommendation for those folks would be something like: mkdir -p ~/bin ln -s $(which gpg2) ~/bin/gpg PATH=~/bin:$PATH though i'm inclined to just suggest that people don't do the "gpg2" co-installable thing at all, since gpg 1.4 and 2.1 diverge on both public keyrings and secret keyrings, and 2.0 is EOL in < 6 months. --dkg