Hi! Thanks to Bremner, I just realized that notmuch-compact(1) is a thing, and that thing allows me to compress my notmuch databases by about 50%. So I whipped together two systemd units (attached) that will run that command every month on my notmuch database. Just drop them in `~/.config/systemd/user/` and run: systemctl --user daemon-reload systemctl --user enable notmuch-compact.timer systemctl --user start notmuch-compact.timer ... and you're done. Maybe those could be shipped with the Debian package somehow? Not sure how that works, but I think that's how gpg-agent gets started now, if you want any inspiration... It would be great if notmuch-new ran this on its own, when it thought that this was "important", somehow like git-gc sometimes runs on its own. Of course, I suspect the 50% saving will not happen every month, but hopefully this will keep my database size from exploding in the future... Finally, Bremner said that "it could make some operations slower to compact the database, but I haven't notced that effect". That is strange because the manpage says that compact "can both reduce the space required by the database and improve lookup performance". ;) Hopefully, the documentation is true and the rumors are false and the sky is not falling and I want my mommy. A. PS: any humor or comedy in this email is purely accidental and shouldn't be construed as a feeble attempt at making you smile. -- I prefer the tumult of liberty to the quiet of servitude. - Thomas Jefferson