On Mon, 25 Jan 2010 11:22:47 -0500 (EST), Mike Kelly wrote: > Similarly, provide a mechanism for correlating the folder name with > some set of tags, and change those tags as messages are moved around. > > For example, I might have: > > ~/.notmuch-config: > > [database] > path=/home/pioto/mail > ... > [tags] > pioto@pioto.org/INBOX.ListMail.notmuch = notmuch > > So, a 'tags' section, where each key is the folder name, relative to the > db path, and the value is one or more tag names I think this idea is a really good one and I would like to pursue it as a tangent thread here. I was going to propose something very similar to this. I think it's a very flexible idea that would help in a lot of ways. For instance, notmuch emacs (and emacs message-mode) is currently not good at handling sent mail. At the moment mail is just Bcc'd to yourself. However, this means that these sent messages end up back in your inbox with 'inbox' and 'unread' tags which then need to be removed so that the sent message is archived. If one could configure notmuch such that only new mail in an inbox directory would be tagged with 'inbox' and 'unread', and manage to coax emacs to fcc directly into an archive, then these sent messages would not have the problematic 'inbox' and 'unread' tags. Even better, then sent mail could be fcc'd to a sent mail directory would could then be configured to automatically get a 'sent' tag. Notmuch emacs also currently does not handle message drafts, which makes it very difficult to resume messages that were postponed from a previous session. If notmuch could be configured to tag messages in the message-mode "message-auto-save-directory" with a 'draft' tag, then it would greatly facilitate finding draft messages. It would also be sweet if this could remove tags as well (maybe be prepending '-' or '+' to the tag specification. For example, I can imagine implementing the above examples like this: [database] path=/home/jrollins/.mail [tags] inbox = +inbox,+unread sent = +sent drafts = +draft archive = -inbox I think we should definitely implement something like this. It would make things a lot more flexible. Notmuch could be configured to not tag any messages by default (which would make a lot of people using notmuch for other backends happier) and then notmuch setup could could provide an example tags stanza that would tag new messages with 'inbox' and 'unread' (maybe with a wildcard that would replicate the current behavior): [tags] * = +inbox,+unread I would love to see this. Hopefully we can rally some more support for this idea. jamie.