I like to ignore annoying threads, but notmuch has not easy way to achieve it, right? Well, it actually has... 1) ok, in notmuch-show I read a message, decide the thread is uninteresting (or annoying) and tag that message as "ignore". 2) Adding "and not tag:ignore in my saved searches doesn't help as there are still messages without tag ignore, so notmuch search will still show the threads. So I run this now after notmuch new: TADAA... notmuch tag +ignore -- not tag:ignore and `notmuch search --output=threads tag:ignore` It seems to work, afterwords all messages in a thread where at least one message was tagges "ignore" will be tagged "ignore" and my saved searches suppress them. Just wanted to share this tidbit as I can imagine plenty of usecases where a similar scheme could be handy. Sebastian