Emacs uses setting bidi-paragraph-direction=nil by default which means that paragraph's text direction can change automatically, for example: right-to-left. A quote from the variable's description: If this is nil (the default), the direction of each paragraph is determined by the first strong directional character of its text. So, in notmuch-show-mode the message header paragraph is switched to right-to-left mode if headers contain a "strong directional" right-to-left character. The result can be seen in the attached jpg image which displays part of the message . I think message headers should always be in left-to-right mode but message contents should follow the Emacs default (choose automatically from the content). I believe the header part can be switched to left-to-right mode by using function bidi-string-mark-left-to-right. Below is a relevant quote from Emacs Lisp reference manual. Unfortunately I don't know Notmuch Emacs code (at least not yet). So this message is mainly for documenting the current behavior. Emacs Lisp reference manual, section "Bidirectional Display". https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/elisp/Bidirectional-Display.html#Bidirectional-Display Bidirectional reordering can have surprising and unpleasant effects when two strings with bidirectional content are juxtaposed in a buffer, or otherwise programmatically concatenated into a string of text. A typical problematic case is when a buffer consists of sequences of text fields separated by whitespace or punctuation characters, like Buffer Menu mode or Rmail Summary Mode. Because the punctuation characters used as separators have “weak directionality”, they take on the directionality of surrounding text. As result, a numeric field that follows a field with bidirectional content can be displayed _to the left_ of the preceding field, messing up the expected layout. There are several ways to avoid this problem: − Append the special character U+200E LEFT-TO-RIGHT MARK, or LRM, to the end of each field that may have bidirectional content, or prepend it to the beginning of the following field. The function ‘bidi-string-mark-left-to-right’, described below, comes in handy for this purpose. (In a right-to-left paragraph, use U+200F RIGHT-TO-LEFT MARK, or RLM, instead.) This is one of the solutions recommended by the UBA. − Include the tab character in the field separator. The tab character plays the role of “segment separator” in bidirectional reordering, causing the text on either side to be reordered separately. − Separate fields with a ‘display’ property or overlay with a property value of the form ‘(space . PROPS)’ (*note Specified Space::). Emacs treats this display specification as a “paragraph separator”, and reorders the text on either side separately. -- Function: bidi-string-mark-left-to-right string This function returns its argument STRING, possibly modified, such that the result can be safely concatenated with another string, or juxtaposed with another string in a buffer, without disrupting the relative layout of this string and the next one on display. If the string returned by this function is displayed as part of a left-to-right paragraph, it will always appear on display to the left of the text that follows it. The function works by examining the characters of its argument, and if any of those characters could cause reordering on display, the function appends the LRM character to the string. The appended LRM character is made invisible by giving it an ‘invisible’ text property of ‘t’ (*note Invisible Text::).