Dear notmuch developers, please find attached an redacted copy of an actual email in my Maildir which notmuch does not find, even not with path:inbox/** as search term (as opposed to other mail in inbox/cur/ which shows up fine). I can see and read this very mail with mutt and mairix find's it. Actually this very email is filed in three maildirs (inbox, sent, outbox) which are all indexed by notmuch and mairix finds all of them. I did a test with a modified .notmuch-config, provided a database path /tmp/Mail, did mkdir -p /tmp/Mail/inbox{cur,new,tmp}, copied this file into /tmp/Mail/inbox/cur, did a NOTMUCH_CONFIG=/tmp/.notmuch-config notmuch new, and then notmuch find this very email just fine. I'm astonished. Otherwise notmuch works great. Any ideas why this mail does not show up in my inbox or how to debug this? Thanks for your attention, Gregor