One of the searches that I use most frequently, (for mail that I want to respond to on a fairly timely basis), is tag:inbox and tag:to-me [*] Sometimes, this search will show a large mailing-list thread with only a few messages open. Perhaps part-way through the thread, someone started to CC me. Or perhaps my address got dropped from the CC at some point. Either way, I am presented with a subset of the messages from the thread, even though all of the thread's messages are in my inbox still. That much is just fine. I'm giving priority to messages where people thought I would be particularly interested, and that's just as it should be. A bad bug occurs when paging through the thread with the space bar. After showing me these few messages, it will then proceed to archive *all* the messages in the thread (not only those it showed me). And I'm likely to be unaware of this since the closed (but not yet archived) messages are not easily distinguished from messages that were previously closed and archived. Some people will claim (and I've even agreed) that the space bar is too magic. But this bug also happens with an explicit command to archive the current thread (such as hitting 'a'). I think the fix is to change these commands to only archive the messages that are currently open. That will make these operations behave as I expect, and I don't think will cause any unexpected or confusing behavior. But please let me know if you disagree. -Carl [*] My tag:to-me is set by a script doing "notmuch tag +to-me or ...". I'd prefer this to be a saved-search of course---that's one of the patches I haven't had a chance to review yet.