I'd like to add a search term argument to notmuch dump (see id:"87wrcijn1w.fsf@zancas.localnet" and followup for context). The "notmuch" way would be to have notmuch dump do the right thing, and that is easy enough _except_ that notmuch dump foo writes the output to file foo. I see several options. 1) just delete the output file option from notmuch-dump, and use shell redirection. So far I don't see a non-contrived example when writing an output file directly is useful, but maybe that is just a failure of imagination. 2) delete the output file option and a global "--write" option that calls freopen(... stdout). As a bonus(?) this would work for any notmuch command. 3) leave the output option alone and implement a --query=foo option for notmuch dump. This would be the most backward compatible of course, but also confusing for users. Thoughts? d