Daniel Kahn Gillmor writes: > > I think this makes sense, and makes me more comfortable with the overall > idea of this patch series. maybe it'd be useful to clearly document the > intended scope? > Sure, where do you think that kind of documentation is appropriate? There is the giant comment about the database schema in lib/database.cc. Actually I just noticed I already failed to update that for libconfig stuff. > > From elsewhere: > > * for messages which have multiple files, which file is actually indexed yes. Although rather than storing that, I think the right answer is more like "all of them". > * thread-id > * tag > > we're now talking about adding properties, which are in the "elsewhere" > category, right? Correct. > > It's worth noticing that the stuff in "elsewhere" is the stuff that > won't propagate across a dump/restore unless it's explicitly in the dump > somehow. We currently fail to restore thread-id and which file is > actually indexed across a dump/restore :/ The thread-id is in some sense derived from the message itself. Not in a reproducable way, but still, the dump file is the minimal set of extra data needed to reconstruct an equivalent database (pax threading bugs). > I think you've convinced me that it's good to go ahead with the > properties, assuming it's scoped as defined above. I still think that > we need a better story for upgrades to the dump format in general, but > maybe this isn't the place to make that particular case. > > --dkg I'm not sure what you have in mind, something more ambitious than the header added post 0.22?