Hi Notmuch folks-- I'm working on Autocrypt integration for notmuch right now, and it occurs to me that it might be useful to know the time that any given message was first seen by notmuch. I'm trying to not get distracted by implementing such a feature, but I wanted to log this as a feature request, along with a few thoughts about it. My idea is that the first time notmuch indexes a message, it would add a property to the message like firstseen=2019-05-31T23:15:24Z. Some nuances spring to mind: * This should *not* be cleared and reset on reindexing, so it doesn't belong in the index.* property namespace. * What happens when you delete a message? Maybe we should keep that value around for "ghosts" too -- can ghost documents have properties? Or is it bad to remember that we've seen the message if someone deletes it? * When even the ghost goes away (e.g. full thread deletion), presumably this property would go away. So If you deleted the message from your message store, notmuch would forget about it, and then the next time you ingest it it would get a later "firstseen=" property. I'm ok with this. * i don't think we have a way to search properties by range (e.g. the way that we can search date ranges). i don't need that feature for my use case, but maybe someone will come up with a use case that wants it? is there a way to store the datestamp in a way that it can be scanned the way that "date" can? or do we already have this and i'm just unaware? * What is the cost in terms of database size? It doesn't look like it would be expensive to me, but i haven't profiled it. * if we make such a change, how should we deal with already-indexed messages? Anyone have any thoughts, suggestions, or objections to this? I'm happy to explain more about my use case if people are interested too. --dkg