The relevant part of my Emacs configuration for notmuch is the following: #+begin_src emacs-lisp (defconst notmuch-mark-deleted-tags '("+trash" "-inbox" "-archived" "-sent" "-spam") "List of tags to mark for deletion.") (defconst notmuch-mark-removed-tags (cons "+rm" notmuch-mark-deleted-tags) "List of tags to mark for removal.") (defconst notmuch-mark-spam-tags '("+spam" "-inbox" "-trash" "-sent" "-archived") "List of tags to mark as spam.") (defconst notmuch-mark-flagged-tags '("+flagged") "List of tags to mark as important (flagged).") (defconst notmuch-mark-shopping-tags '("-inbox" "+shopping") "List of tags to mark as shopping. This is related to emails from stuff I buy online.") (defconst notmuch-mark-financial-tags '("-inbox" "+finance") "List of tags to mark as financial.") (defconst notmuch-mark-meeting-tags '("-inbox" "+meeting") "List of tags to mark as meeting.") (defconst notmuch-mark-account-tags '("-inbox" "+account") "List of tags to mark an e-mail as accounts related. That is, this e-mail in particular is something link a confirmation of registering or something similar.") (setq notmuch-archive-tags '("-inbox" "+archived") notmuch-message-replied-tags '("+replied") notmuch-message-forwarded-tags '("+forwarded" "+sent" "-inbox" "-trash" "-spam") notmuch-show-mark-read-tags '("-unread") notmuch-draft-tags '("+draft" "-inbox" "-sent" "-trash" "-spam") notmuch-tagging-keys `((,(kbd "r") notmuch-show-mark-read-tags "Mark as read") (,(kbd "u") ("+unread") "Mark as unread") ;; (,(kbd "c") notmuch-mark-complete-tags "Complete and archive") (,(kbd "d") notmuch-mark-deleted-tags "Mark for deletion") (,(kbd "R") notmuch-mark-removed-tags "Mark for removal") (,(kbd "f") notmuch-mark-flagged-tags "Flag as important") (,(kbd "s") notmuch-mark-spam-tags "Mark as spam") (,(kbd "S") notmuch-mark-shopping-tags "Mark as shopping") (,(kbd "F") notmuch-mark-financial-tags "Mark as financial") (,(kbd "M") notmuch-mark-meeting-tags "Mark as meeting") (,(kbd "A") notmuch-mark-account-tags "Mark as account"))) #+end_src Best regards (and sorry for the long mail), -- João Pedro de Amorim Paula IT undergraduate at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN)