Hey all, I've written Ruby bindings for the notmuch library. Here are related links: Gitweb: http://github.com/alip/notmuch/tree/ruby Git: git://github.com/alip/notmuch.git (branch ruby) API documentation: http://dev.exherbo.org/~alip/notmuch/ruby/ Building is simple: - Clone the git url mentioned above and switch to the ruby branch. - Build the notmuch library - cd bindings/ruby - ruby extconf.rb - make This is written in pure C, unlike Python bindings, which uses ctypes. This means it should be a bit faster but possibly more buggy, especially the garbage collection routines. I've tried hard to make Ruby's GC play nice with notmuch's talloc based memory allocation but I can't be sure if it's bug-free. I haven't written any examples yet but the API documentation should be clear enough for one to understand and dive in. As usual, any comments, patches welcome. -- Regards, Ali Polatel