On 04/07/2014 05:06 PM, Mark Walters wrote: > I think it is worse that that: I think (from what people said on irc > some time ago) that the index contains the word and the position of that > word so essentially the whole message can be reconstructed from the > index. Agree with Mark here, the warnings around such a feature should clearly say "this stores a cleartext equivalent of your message in the notmuch index." Even if the index weren't structured in this way, modern natural language processing techniques and a plausible training corpus should be able to come very close to the original cleartext message, so it should be treated as such. fwiw, the workflow i outlined should make it so that users can receive all messages encrypted; when they read each encrypted message, they get a choice about whether to store a cleartext-equivalent in their notmuch index. (note of course that it's possible to store your notmuch index on an encrypted filesystem itself, for a different flavor of confidentiality protection for the data once it's come to rest). This per-message decision mechanism lets a thoughtful user make that tradeoff on a piecemeal basis (it also allows for blanket (mis)judgement, of course). There are certainly some messages that one might never want store in a cleartext index, while other messages might be less sensitive to exposure while being more valuable to the user if stored in a well-indexed, searchable local archive. I think this is a feature worth having, despite the warning labels it probably needs. --dkg