On 11/15/2010 05:23 AM, David Edmondson wrote: > i.e. the existence of the multipart/signed wrapper should be > explicit. In general, all MIME parts should be visible. thanks, this makes sense to me. > Changing the JSON output in this way would not materially affect your > proposal, I believe. There'd be some implicit changes in the output (for > example, if a signature signs a multipart/mixed part your proposal would > list it as signing the sub-parts of the multipart/mixed, but with my > additional changes it should be listed as signing the multipart/mixed > itself). this is interesting: under your proposed changes, the "signs" element would not need to be a list any more. it could just be a single part ID. I think i like that. "sigstatus" would still need to be a list, though, since you can have a signature part that contains multiple signature packets. Thanks for helping think this through, David. --dkg