#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright (c) 2011-2014 David Bremner # W. Trevor King # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/ . """ Manage notmuch tags with Git """ from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals import codecs as _codecs import collections as _collections import functools as _functools import inspect as _inspect import locale as _locale import logging as _logging import os as _os import re as _re import shutil as _shutil import subprocess as _subprocess import sys as _sys import tempfile as _tempfile import textwrap as _textwrap from urllib.parse import quote as _quote from urllib.parse import unquote as _unquote import json as _json __version__ = '@NOTMUCH_VERSION@' _LOG = _logging.getLogger('nmbug') _LOG.setLevel(_logging.WARNING) _LOG.addHandler(_logging.StreamHandler()) NOTMUCH_GIT_DIR = None TAG_PREFIX = None _HEX_ESCAPE_REGEX = _re.compile('%[0-9A-F]{2}') _TAG_DIRECTORY = 'tags/' _TAG_FILE_REGEX = _re.compile(_TAG_DIRECTORY + '(?P[^/]*)/(?P[^/]*)') # magic hash for Git (git hash-object -t blob /dev/null) _EMPTYBLOB = 'e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391' def _hex_quote(string, safe='+@=:,'): """ quote('abc def') -> 'abc%20def'. Wrap urllib.parse.quote with additional safe characters (in addition to letters, digits, and '_.-') and lowercase hex digits (e.g. '%3a' instead of '%3A'). """ uppercase_escapes = _quote(string, safe) return _HEX_ESCAPE_REGEX.sub( lambda match: match.group(0).lower(), uppercase_escapes) def _xapian_quote(string): """ Quote a string for Xapian's QueryParser. Xapian uses double-quotes for quoting strings. You can escape internal quotes by repeating them [1,2,3]. [1]: https://trac.xapian.org/ticket/128#comment:2 [2]: https://trac.xapian.org/ticket/128#comment:17 [3]: https://trac.xapian.org/changeset/13823/svn """ return '"{0}"'.format(string.replace('"', '""')) def _xapian_unquote(string): """ Unquote a Xapian-quoted string. """ if string.startswith('"') and string.endswith('"'): return string[1:-1].replace('""', '"') return string def timed(fn): """Timer decorator""" from time import perf_counter def inner(*args, **kwargs): start_time = perf_counter() rval = fn(*args, **kwargs) end_time = perf_counter() _LOG.info('{0}: {1:.8f}s elapsed'.format(fn.__name__, end_time - start_time)) return rval return inner class SubprocessError(RuntimeError): "A subprocess exited with a nonzero status" def __init__(self, args, status, stdout=None, stderr=None): self.status = status self.stdout = stdout self.stderr = stderr msg = '{args} exited with {status}'.format(args=args, status=status) if stderr: msg = '{msg}: {stderr}'.format(msg=msg, stderr=stderr) super(SubprocessError, self).__init__(msg) class _SubprocessContextManager(object): """ PEP 343 context manager for subprocesses. 'expect' holds a tuple of acceptable exit codes, otherwise we'll raise a SubprocessError in __exit__. """ def __init__(self, process, args, expect=(0,)): self._process = process self._args = args self._expect = expect def __enter__(self): return self._process def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): for name in ['stdin', 'stdout', 'stderr']: stream = getattr(self._process, name) if stream: stream.close() setattr(self._process, name, None) status = self._process.wait() _LOG.debug( 'collect {args} with status {status} (expected {expect})'.format( args=self._args, status=status, expect=self._expect)) if status not in self._expect: raise SubprocessError(args=self._args, status=status) def wait(self): return self._process.wait() def _spawn(args, input=None, additional_env=None, wait=False, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, encoding=_locale.getpreferredencoding(), expect=(0,), **kwargs): """Spawn a subprocess, and optionally wait for it to finish. This wrapper around subprocess.Popen has two modes, depending on the truthiness of 'wait'. If 'wait' is true, we use p.communicate internally to write 'input' to the subprocess's stdin and read from it's stdout/stderr. If 'wait' is False, we return a _SubprocessContextManager instance for fancier handling (e.g. piping between processes). For 'wait' calls when you want to write to the subprocess's stdin, you only need to set 'input' to your content. When 'input' is not None but 'stdin' is, we'll automatically set 'stdin' to PIPE before calling Popen. This avoids having the subprocess accidentally inherit the launching process's stdin. """ _LOG.debug('spawn {args} (additional env. var.: {env})'.format( args=args, env=additional_env)) if not stdin and input is not None: stdin = _subprocess.PIPE if additional_env: if not kwargs.get('env'): kwargs['env'] = dict(_os.environ) kwargs['env'].update(additional_env) p = _subprocess.Popen( args, stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, **kwargs) if wait: if hasattr(input, 'encode'): input = input.encode(encoding) (stdout, stderr) = p.communicate(input=input) status = p.wait() _LOG.debug( 'collect {args} with status {status} (expected {expect})'.format( args=args, status=status, expect=expect)) if stdout is not None: stdout = stdout.decode(encoding) if stderr is not None: stderr = stderr.decode(encoding) if status not in expect: raise SubprocessError( args=args, status=status, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr) return (status, stdout, stderr) if p.stdin and not stdin: p.stdin.close() p.stdin = None if p.stdin: p.stdin = _codecs.getwriter(encoding=encoding)(stream=p.stdin) stream_reader = _codecs.getreader(encoding=encoding) if p.stdout: p.stdout = stream_reader(stream=p.stdout) if p.stderr: p.stderr = stream_reader(stream=p.stderr) return _SubprocessContextManager(args=args, process=p, expect=expect) def _git(args, **kwargs): args = ['git', '--git-dir', NOTMUCH_GIT_DIR] + list(args) return _spawn(args=args, **kwargs) def _get_current_branch(): """Get the name of the current branch. Return 'None' if we're not on a branch. """ try: (status, branch, stderr) = _git( args=['symbolic-ref', '--short', 'HEAD'], stdout=_subprocess.PIPE, stderr=_subprocess.PIPE, wait=True) except SubprocessError as e: if 'not a symbolic ref' in e: return None raise return branch.strip() def _get_remote(): "Get the default remote for the current branch." local_branch = _get_current_branch() (status, remote, stderr) = _git( args=['config', 'branch.{0}.remote'.format(local_branch)], stdout=_subprocess.PIPE, wait=True) return remote.strip() def _tag_query(prefix=None): if prefix is None: prefix = TAG_PREFIX return '(tag (starts-with "{:s}"))'.format(prefix.replace('"','\\\"')) def get_tags(prefix=None): "Get a list of tags with a given prefix." (status, stdout, stderr) = _spawn( args=['notmuch', 'search', '--query=sexp', '--output=tags', _tag_query(prefix)], stdout=_subprocess.PIPE, wait=True) return [tag for tag in stdout.splitlines()] def archive(treeish='HEAD', args=()): """ Dump a tar archive of the current nmbug tag set. Using 'git archive'. Each tag $tag for message with Message-Id $id is written to an empty file tags/encode($id)/encode($tag) The encoding preserves alphanumerics, and the characters "+-_@=.:," (not the quotes). All other octets are replaced with '%' followed by a two digit hex number. """ _git(args=['archive', treeish] + list(args), wait=True) def clone(repository): """ Create a local nmbug repository from a remote source. This wraps 'git clone', adding some options to avoid creating a working tree while preserving remote-tracking branches and upstreams. """ with _tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix='nmbug-clone.') as workdir: _spawn( args=[ 'git', 'clone', '--no-checkout', '--separate-git-dir', NOTMUCH_GIT_DIR, repository, workdir], wait=True) _git(args=['config', '--unset', 'core.worktree'], wait=True, expect=(0, 5)) _git(args=['config', 'core.bare', 'true'], wait=True) (status, stdout, stderr) = _git(args=['show-ref', '--verify', '--quiet', 'refs/remotes/origin/config'], expect=(0,1), wait=True) if status == 0: _git(args=['branch', 'config', 'origin/config'], wait=True) existing_tags = get_tags() if existing_tags: _LOG.warning( 'Not checking out to avoid clobbering existing tags: {}'.format( ', '.join(existing_tags))) else: checkout() def _is_committed(status): return len(status['added']) + len(status['deleted']) == 0 class CachedIndex: def __init__(self, repo, treeish): self.cache_path = _os.path.join(repo, 'notmuch', 'index_cache.json') self.index_path = _os.path.join(repo, 'index') self.current_treeish = treeish # cached values self.treeish = None self.hash = None self.index_checksum = None self._load_cache_file() def _load_cache_file(self): try: with open(self.cache_path) as f: data = _json.load(f) self.treeish = data['treeish'] self.hash = data['hash'] self.index_checksum = data['index_checksum'] except FileNotFoundError: pass except _json.JSONDecodeError: _LOG.error("Error decoding cache") _sys.exit(1) def __enter__(self): self.read_tree() return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): checksum = _read_index_checksum(self.index_path) (_, hash, _) = _git( args=['rev-parse', self.current_treeish], stdout=_subprocess.PIPE, wait=True) with open(self.cache_path, "w") as f: _json.dump({'treeish': self.current_treeish, 'hash': hash.rstrip(), 'index_checksum': checksum }, f) @timed def read_tree(self): current_checksum = _read_index_checksum(self.index_path) (_, hash, _) = _git( args=['rev-parse', self.current_treeish], stdout=_subprocess.PIPE, wait=True) current_hash = hash.rstrip() if self.current_treeish == self.treeish and \ self.index_checksum and self.index_checksum == current_checksum and \ self.hash and self.hash == current_hash: return _git(args=['read-tree', self.current_treeish], wait=True) def commit(treeish='HEAD', message=None): """ Commit prefix-matching tags from the notmuch database to Git. """ status = get_status() if _is_committed(status=status): _LOG.warning('Nothing to commit') return with CachedIndex(NOTMUCH_GIT_DIR, treeish) as index: try: _update_index(status=status) (_, tree, _) = _git( args=['write-tree'], stdout=_subprocess.PIPE, wait=True) (_, parent, _) = _git( args=['rev-parse', treeish], stdout=_subprocess.PIPE, wait=True) (_, commit, _) = _git( args=['commit-tree', tree.strip(), '-p', parent.strip()], input=message, stdout=_subprocess.PIPE, wait=True) _git( args=['update-ref', treeish, commit.strip()], stdout=_subprocess.PIPE, wait=True) except Exception as e: _git(args=['read-tree', '--empty'], wait=True) _git(args=['read-tree', treeish], wait=True) raise @timed def _update_index(status): with _git( args=['update-index', '--index-info'], stdin=_subprocess.PIPE) as p: for id, tags in status['deleted'].items(): for line in _index_tags_for_message(id=id, status='D', tags=tags): p.stdin.write(line) for id, tags in status['added'].items(): for line in _index_tags_for_message(id=id, status='A', tags=tags): p.stdin.write(line) def fetch(remote=None): """ Fetch changes from the remote repository. See 'merge' to bring those changes into notmuch. """ args = ['fetch'] if remote: args.append(remote) _git(args=args, wait=True) def init(remote=None): """ Create an empty nmbug repository. This wraps 'git init' with a few extra steps to support subsequent status and commit commands. """ from pathlib import Path parent = Path(NOTMUCH_GIT_DIR).parent try: _os.makedirs(parent) except FileExistsError: pass _spawn(args=['git', '--git-dir', NOTMUCH_GIT_DIR, 'init', '--initial-branch=master', '--quiet', '--bare'], wait=True) _git(args=['config', 'core.logallrefupdates', 'true'], wait=True) # create an empty blob (e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391) _git(args=['hash-object', '-w', '--stdin'], input='', wait=True) _git( args=[ 'commit', '--allow-empty', '-m', 'Start a new nmbug repository' ], additional_env={'GIT_WORK_TREE': NOTMUCH_GIT_DIR}, wait=True) def checkout(): """ Update the notmuch database from Git. This is mainly useful to discard your changes in notmuch relative to Git. """ status = get_status() with _spawn( args=['notmuch', 'tag', '--batch'], stdin=_subprocess.PIPE) as p: for id, tags in status['added'].items(): p.stdin.write(_batch_line(action='-', id=id, tags=tags)) for id, tags in status['deleted'].items(): p.stdin.write(_batch_line(action='+', id=id, tags=tags)) def _batch_line(action, id, tags): """ 'notmuch tag --batch' line for adding/removing tags. Set 'action' to '-' to remove a tag or '+' to add the tags to a given message id. """ tag_string = ' '.join( '{action}{prefix}{tag}'.format( action=action, prefix=_ENCODED_TAG_PREFIX, tag=_hex_quote(tag)) for tag in tags) line = '{tags} -- id:{id}\n'.format( tags=tag_string, id=_xapian_quote(string=id)) return line def _insist_committed(): "Die if the the notmuch tags don't match the current HEAD." status = get_status() if not _is_committed(status=status): _LOG.error('\n'.join([ 'Uncommitted changes to {prefix}* tags in notmuch', '', "For a summary of changes, run 'nmbug status'", "To save your changes, run 'nmbug commit' before merging/pull", "To discard your changes, run 'nmbug checkout'", ]).format(prefix=TAG_PREFIX)) _sys.exit(1) def pull(repository=None, refspecs=None): """ Pull (merge) remote repository changes to notmuch. 'pull' is equivalent to 'fetch' followed by 'merge'. We use the Git-configured repository for your current branch (branch..repository, likely 'origin', and branch..merge, likely 'master'). """ _insist_committed() if refspecs and not repository: repository = _get_remote() args = ['pull'] if repository: args.append(repository) if refspecs: args.extend(refspecs) with _tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix='nmbug-pull.') as workdir: for command in [ ['reset', '--hard'], args]: _git( args=command, additional_env={'GIT_WORK_TREE': workdir}, wait=True) checkout() def merge(reference='@{upstream}'): """ Merge changes from 'reference' into HEAD and load the result into notmuch. The default reference is '@{upstream}'. """ _insist_committed() with _tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix='nmbug-merge.') as workdir: for command in [ ['reset', '--hard'], ['merge', reference]]: _git( args=command, additional_env={'GIT_WORK_TREE': workdir}, wait=True) checkout() def log(args=()): """ A simple wrapper for 'git log'. After running 'nmbug fetch', you can inspect the changes with 'nmbug log HEAD..@{upstream}'. """ # we don't want output trapping here, because we want the pager. args = ['log', '--name-status', '--no-renames'] + list(args) with _git(args=args, expect=(0, 1, -13)) as p: p.wait() def push(repository=None, refspecs=None): "Push the local nmbug Git state to a remote repository." if refspecs and not repository: repository = _get_remote() args = ['push'] if repository: args.append(repository) if refspecs: args.extend(refspecs) _git(args=args, wait=True) def status(): """ Show pending updates in notmuch or git repo. Prints lines of the form ng Message-Id tag where n is a single character representing notmuch database status * A Tag is present in notmuch database, but not committed to nmbug (equivalently, tag has been deleted in nmbug repo, e.g. by a pull, but not restored to notmuch database). * D Tag is present in nmbug repo, but not restored to notmuch database (equivalently, tag has been deleted in notmuch). * U Message is unknown (missing from local notmuch database). The second character (if present) represents a difference between local and upstream branches. Typically 'nmbug fetch' needs to be run to update this. * a Tag is present in upstream, but not in the local Git branch. * d Tag is present in local Git branch, but not upstream. """ status = get_status() # 'output' is a nested defaultdict for message status: # * The outer dict is keyed by message id. # * The inner dict is keyed by tag name. # * The inner dict values are status strings (' a', 'Dd', ...). output = _collections.defaultdict( lambda : _collections.defaultdict(lambda : ' ')) for id, tags in status['added'].items(): for tag in tags: output[id][tag] = 'A' for id, tags in status['deleted'].items(): for tag in tags: output[id][tag] = 'D' for id, tags in status['missing'].items(): for tag in tags: output[id][tag] = 'U' if _is_unmerged(): for id, tag in _diff_refs(filter='A'): output[id][tag] += 'a' for id, tag in _diff_refs(filter='D'): output[id][tag] += 'd' for id, tag_status in sorted(output.items()): for tag, status in sorted(tag_status.items()): print('{status}\t{id}\t{tag}'.format( status=status, id=id, tag=tag)) def _is_unmerged(ref='@{upstream}'): try: (status, fetch_head, stderr) = _git( args=['rev-parse', ref], stdout=_subprocess.PIPE, stderr=_subprocess.PIPE, wait=True) except SubprocessError as e: if 'No upstream configured' in e.stderr: return raise (status, base, stderr) = _git( args=['merge-base', 'HEAD', ref], stdout=_subprocess.PIPE, wait=True) return base != fetch_head @timed def get_status(): status = { 'deleted': {}, 'missing': {}, } with PrivateIndex(repo=NOTMUCH_GIT_DIR, prefix=TAG_PREFIX) as index: maybe_deleted = index.diff(filter='D') for id, tags in maybe_deleted.items(): (_, stdout, stderr) = _spawn( args=['notmuch', 'search', '--output=files', 'id:{0}'.format(id)], stdout=_subprocess.PIPE, wait=True) if stdout: status['deleted'][id] = tags else: status['missing'][id] = tags status['added'] = index.diff(filter='A') return status class PrivateIndex: def __init__(self, repo, prefix): try: _os.makedirs(_os.path.join(repo, 'notmuch')) except FileExistsError: pass file_name = 'notmuch/index' self.index_path = _os.path.join(repo, file_name) self.cache_path = _os.path.join(repo, 'notmuch', '{:s}.json'.format(_hex_quote(file_name))) self.current_prefix = prefix self.prefix = None self.uuid = None self.lastmod = None self.checksum = None self._load_cache_file() self._index_tags() def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): checksum = _read_index_checksum(self.index_path) (count, uuid, lastmod) = _read_database_lastmod() with open(self.cache_path, "w") as f: _json.dump({'prefix': self.current_prefix, 'uuid': uuid, 'lastmod': lastmod, 'checksum': checksum }, f) def _load_cache_file(self): try: with open(self.cache_path) as f: data = _json.load(f) self.prefix = data['prefix'] self.uuid = data['uuid'] self.lastmod = data['lastmod'] self.checksum = data['checksum'] except FileNotFoundError: return None except _json.JSONDecodeError: _LOG.error("Error decoding cache") _sys.exit(1) @timed def _index_tags(self): "Write notmuch tags to private git index." prefix = '+{0}'.format(_ENCODED_TAG_PREFIX) current_checksum = _read_index_checksum(self.index_path) if (self.prefix == None or self.prefix != self.current_prefix or self.checksum == None or self.checksum != current_checksum): _git( args=['read-tree', '--empty'], additional_env={'GIT_INDEX_FILE': self.index_path}, wait=True) query = _tag_query() clear_tags = False (count,uuid,lastmod) = _read_database_lastmod() if self.prefix == self.current_prefix and self.uuid \ and self.uuid == uuid and self.checksum == current_checksum: query = '(and (infix "lastmod:{:d}..")) {:s})'.format(self.lastmod+1, query) clear_tags = True with _spawn( args=['notmuch', 'dump', '--format=batch-tag', '--query=sexp', '--', query], stdout=_subprocess.PIPE) as notmuch: with _git( args=['update-index', '--index-info'], stdin=_subprocess.PIPE, additional_env={'GIT_INDEX_FILE': self.index_path}) as git: for line in notmuch.stdout: if line.strip().startswith('#'): continue (tags_string, id) = [_.strip() for _ in line.split(' -- id:')] tags = [ _unquote(tag[len(prefix):]) for tag in tags_string.split() if tag.startswith(prefix)] id = _xapian_unquote(string=id) if clear_tags: for line in _clear_tags_for_message(index=self.index_path, id=id): git.stdin.write(line) for line in _index_tags_for_message( id=id, status='A', tags=tags): git.stdin.write(line) @timed def diff(self, filter): """ Get an {id: {tag, ...}} dict for a given filter. For example, use 'A' to find added tags, and 'D' to find deleted tags. """ s = _collections.defaultdict(set) with _git( args=[ 'diff-index', '--cached', '--diff-filter', filter, '--name-only', 'HEAD'], additional_env={'GIT_INDEX_FILE': self.index_path}, stdout=_subprocess.PIPE) as p: # Once we drop Python < 3.3, we can use 'yield from' here for id, tag in _unpack_diff_lines(stream=p.stdout): s[id].add(tag) return s def _read_index_checksum (index_path): """Read the index checksum, as defined by index-format.txt in the git source WARNING: assumes SHA1 repo""" import binascii try: with open(index_path, 'rb') as f: size=_os.path.getsize(index_path) f.seek(size-20); return binascii.hexlify(f.read(20)).decode('ascii') except FileNotFoundError: return None def _clear_tags_for_message(index, id): """ Clear any existing index entries for message 'id' Neither 'id' nor the tags in 'tags' should be encoded/escaped. """ dir = 'tags/{id}'.format(id=_hex_quote(string=id)) with _git( args=['ls-files', dir], additional_env={'GIT_INDEX_FILE': index}, stdout=_subprocess.PIPE) as git: for file in git.stdout: line = '0 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000\t{:s}\n'.format(file.strip()) yield line def _read_database_lastmod(): with _spawn( args=['notmuch', 'count', '--lastmod', '*'], stdout=_subprocess.PIPE) as notmuch: (count,uuid,lastmod_str) = notmuch.stdout.readline().split() return (count,uuid,int(lastmod_str)) def _index_tags_for_message(id, status, tags): """ Update the Git index to either create or delete an empty file. Neither 'id' nor the tags in 'tags' should be encoded/escaped. """ mode = '100644' hash = _EMPTYBLOB if status == 'D': mode = '0' hash = '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000' for tag in tags: path = 'tags/{id}/{tag}'.format( id=_hex_quote(string=id), tag=_hex_quote(string=tag)) yield '{mode} {hash}\t{path}\n'.format(mode=mode, hash=hash, path=path) def _diff_refs(filter, a='HEAD', b='@{upstream}'): with _git( args=['diff', '--diff-filter', filter, '--name-only', a, b], stdout=_subprocess.PIPE) as p: # Once we drop Python < 3.3, we can use 'yield from' here for id, tag in _unpack_diff_lines(stream=p.stdout): yield id, tag def _unpack_diff_lines(stream): "Iterate through (id, tag) tuples in a diff stream." for line in stream: match = _TAG_FILE_REGEX.match(line.strip()) if not match: message = 'non-tag line in diff: {!r}'.format(line.strip()) if line.startswith(_TAG_DIRECTORY): raise ValueError(message) _LOG.info(message) continue id = _unquote(match.group('id')) tag = _unquote(match.group('tag')) yield (id, tag) def _help(parser, command=None): """ Show help for an nmbug command. Because some folks prefer: $ nmbug help COMMAND to $ nmbug COMMAND --help """ if command: parser.parse_args([command, '--help']) else: parser.parse_args(['--help']) def _notmuch_config_get(key): (status, stdout, stderr) = _spawn( args=['notmuch', 'config', 'get', key], stdout=_subprocess.PIPE, wait=True) if status != 0: _LOG.error("failed to run notmuch config") _sys.exit(1) return stdout.rstrip() # based on BaseDirectory.save_data_path from pyxdg (LGPL2+) def xdg_data_path(profile): resource = _os.path.join('notmuch',profile,'git') assert not resource.startswith('/') _home = _os.path.expanduser('~') xdg_data_home = _os.environ.get('XDG_DATA_HOME') or \ _os.path.join(_home, '.local', 'share') path = _os.path.join(xdg_data_home, resource) return path if __name__ == '__main__': import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=__doc__.strip(), formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument( '-C', '--git-dir', metavar='REPO', help='Git repository to operate on.') parser.add_argument( '-p', '--tag-prefix', metavar='PREFIX', default = None, help='Prefix of tags to operate on.') parser.add_argument( '-N', '--nmbug', action='store_true', help='Set defaults for --tag-prefix and --git-dir for the notmuch bug tracker') parser.add_argument( '-v', '--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s {}'.format(__version__)) parser.add_argument( '-l', '--log-level', choices=['critical', 'error', 'warning', 'info', 'debug'], help='Log verbosity. Defaults to {!r}.'.format( _logging.getLevelName(_LOG.level).lower())) help = _functools.partial(_help, parser=parser) help.__doc__ = _help.__doc__ subparsers = parser.add_subparsers( title='commands', description=( 'For help on a particular command, run: ' "'%(prog)s ... --help'.")) for command in [ 'archive', 'checkout', 'clone', 'commit', 'fetch', 'help', 'init', 'log', 'merge', 'pull', 'push', 'status', ]: func = locals()[command] doc = _textwrap.dedent(func.__doc__).strip().replace('%', '%%') subparser = subparsers.add_parser( command, help=doc.splitlines()[0], description=doc, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) subparser.set_defaults(func=func) if command == 'archive': subparser.add_argument( 'treeish', metavar='TREE-ISH', nargs='?', default='HEAD', help=( 'The tree or commit to produce an archive for. Defaults ' "to 'HEAD'.")) subparser.add_argument( 'args', metavar='ARG', nargs='*', help=( "Argument passed through to 'git archive'. Set anything " 'before , see git-archive(1) for details.')) elif command == 'clone': subparser.add_argument( 'repository', help=( 'The (possibly remote) repository to clone from. See the ' 'URLS section of git-clone(1) for more information on ' 'specifying repositories.')) elif command == 'commit': subparser.add_argument( 'message', metavar='MESSAGE', default='', nargs='?', help='Text for the commit message.') elif command == 'fetch': subparser.add_argument( 'remote', metavar='REMOTE', nargs='?', help=( 'Override the default configured in branch..remote ' 'to fetch from a particular remote repository (e.g. ' "'origin').")) elif command == 'help': subparser.add_argument( 'command', metavar='COMMAND', nargs='?', help='The command to show help for.') elif command == 'log': subparser.add_argument( 'args', metavar='ARG', nargs='*', help="Additional argument passed through to 'git log'.") elif command == 'merge': subparser.add_argument( 'reference', metavar='REFERENCE', default='@{upstream}', nargs='?', help=( 'Reference, usually other branch heads, to merge into ' "our branch. Defaults to '@{upstream}'.")) elif command == 'pull': subparser.add_argument( 'repository', metavar='REPOSITORY', default=None, nargs='?', help=( 'The "remote" repository that is the source of the pull. ' 'This parameter can be either a URL (see the section GIT ' 'URLS in git-pull(1)) or the name of a remote (see the ' 'section REMOTES in git-pull(1)).')) subparser.add_argument( 'refspecs', metavar='REFSPEC', default=None, nargs='*', help=( 'Refspec (usually a branch name) to fetch and merge. See ' 'the entry in the OPTIONS section of ' 'git-pull(1) for other possibilities.')) elif command == 'push': subparser.add_argument( 'repository', metavar='REPOSITORY', default=None, nargs='?', help=( 'The "remote" repository that is the destination of the ' 'push. This parameter can be either a URL (see the ' 'section GIT URLS in git-push(1)) or the name of a remote ' '(see the section REMOTES in git-push(1)).')) subparser.add_argument( 'refspecs', metavar='REFSPEC', default=None, nargs='*', help=( 'Refspec (usually a branch name) to push. See ' 'the entry in the OPTIONS section of ' 'git-push(1) for other possibilities.')) args = parser.parse_args() nmbug_mode = False notmuch_profile = _os.getenv('NOTMUCH_PROFILE','default') if args.nmbug or _os.path.basename(__file__) == 'nmbug': nmbug_mode = True if args.git_dir: NOTMUCH_GIT_DIR = args.git_dir else: if nmbug_mode: default = _os.path.join('~', '.nmbug') else: default = _notmuch_config_get ('git.path') if default == '': default = xdg_data_path(notmuch_profile) NOTMUCH_GIT_DIR = _os.path.expanduser(_os.getenv('NOTMUCH_GIT_DIR', default)) _NOTMUCH_GIT_DIR = _os.path.join(NOTMUCH_GIT_DIR, '.git') if _os.path.isdir(_NOTMUCH_GIT_DIR): NOTMUCH_GIT_DIR = _NOTMUCH_GIT_DIR if args.tag_prefix: TAG_PREFIX = args.tag_prefix else: if nmbug_mode: prefix = 'notmuch::' else: prefix = _notmuch_config_get ('git.tag_prefix') TAG_PREFIX = _os.getenv('NOTMUCH_GIT_PREFIX', prefix) _ENCODED_TAG_PREFIX = _hex_quote(TAG_PREFIX, safe='+@=,') # quote ':' if args.log_level: level = getattr(_logging, args.log_level.upper()) _LOG.setLevel(level) # for test suite for var in ['NOTMUCH_GIT_DIR', 'NOTMUCH_GIT_PREFIX', 'NOTMUCH_PROFILE', 'NOTMUCH_CONFIG' ]: _LOG.debug('env {:s} = {:s}'.format(var, _os.getenv(var,'%None%'))) if _notmuch_config_get('built_with.sexp_queries') != 'true': _LOG.error("notmuch git needs sexp query support") _sys.exit(1) if not getattr(args, 'func', None): parser.print_usage() _sys.exit(1) # The following two lines are used by the test suite. _LOG.debug('prefix = {:s}'.format(TAG_PREFIX)) _LOG.debug('repository = {:s}'.format(NOTMUCH_GIT_DIR)) if args.func == help: arg_names = ['command'] else: (arg_names, varargs, varkw) = _inspect.getargs(args.func.__code__) kwargs = {key: getattr(args, key) for key in arg_names if key in args} try: args.func(**kwargs) except SubprocessError as e: if _LOG.level == _logging.DEBUG: raise # don't mask the traceback _LOG.error(str(e)) _sys.exit(1)