El 11/11/10 09:02, Carl Worth dijo: > So, I said I was being foolhardy when I said I wanted to have 0.5 come > just a week after 0.4. And, indeed, we missed that. But considering this > release is only 10 days after 0.4, (where it was 6 months(!) after 0.3), > I think we did pretty well. http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=36289 :) -- Salud! Nicolás Reynolds, xmpp:fauno@kiwwwi.com.ar omb:http://identi.ca/fauno blog:http://selfdandi.com.ar/ gnu/linux user #455044 http://librecultivo.org.ar http://parabolagnulinux.org