also sprach Carl Worth [2009.12.08.2001 +1300]: > One concept in notmuch (compared to sup) is to (eventually) avoid people > having to go through that pain by their current mail client becoming > "notmuch enabled". For me, I had always liked composing email in emacs, > so I just have to add notmuch support to the existing emacs > message-mode. > > Hopefully people working on other email interfaces will do similar > things, (would be great to have Anjal and Thunderbird get some notmuch > support for example). > > I definitely didn't like that with sup, to get all the global-search and > tagging features one had to accept the curses UI as well. I am a bit late to the party, but re: this thread [0], I would suggest to go the way of a fuse filesystem. That's effectively a daemon, but one which also bridges a chasm between notmuch and all kinds of existing mail tools, including IMAP servers, by way of the standard filesystem interface. 0. I don't want to harp on this too much right now for I have not yet fully understood notmuch, but the basic idea would be that you'd have ~/mail provided by notmuch-fuse-daemon, and there'd be a tool like notmuch-fuse-cli with which you can add virtual folders, e.g. notmuch-fuse-cli new debianmail 'from:debian OR to:debian' and that would create ~/mail/debianmail with mode 555 (since you cannot write the results of a search) containing a Maildir with all messages matching the query. The benefit of this would be that I could use mutt, evolution, or an IMAP server, or vi and shell tools to manipulate my mail without any modifications to those tools. There could be a separate hierarchy for tags, e.g. ~/mail/TAGS/foo and ~/mail/TAGS/bar/baz matching on explicit tags (and maybe ~/mail/TAGS/notmuch with mode 555 for implicit tags). Writing mail to those directories effectively adds tags, unlinking removes them. ~/mail/TAGS/UNTAGGED holds untagged mail for easier reference. In addition to all of this, fuse could be used to index new messages directly as they are delivered into ~/mail, rather than running 'notmuch new' regularly. These ideas are not new, and I've written about them before: notmuch seems an excellent base for implementing such a filesystem. I will try to make time before LCA to get up to speed on fuse, then maybe Carl and Micah and I (and whoever else will be in Wellington) can hack this up in a few hours and over a few beers. If this resonates, or you want to work on this too, let's hear from you! -- martin | | "no problem is so formidable that you can't just walk away from it." -- c. schulz spamtraps: