import import notdb._base as base import notdb._capi as capi import notdb._errors as errors class ImmutableTagSet(base.NotmuchObject, """The tags associated with a message thread or whole database. Both a thread as well as the database expose the union of all tags in messages associated with them. This exposes these as a :class:`` object. Note that due to the underlying notmuch API the performance of the implementation is not the same as you would expect from normal sets. E.g. the :meth:`__contains__` and :meth:`__len__` are O(n) rather then O(1). Tags are internally stored as bytestrings but normally exposed as unicode strings using the UTF-8 encoding and the *ignore* decoder error handler. However the :meth:`iter` method can be used to return tags as bytestrings or using a different error handler. :param parent: the parent object :param ptr_name: the name of the attribute on the parent which will return the memory pointer. This allows this object to access the pointer via the parent's descriptor and thus trigger :class:`MemoryPointer`'s memory safety. :param cffi_fn: the callable CFFI wrapper to retrieve the tags iter. This can be one of notmuch_database_get_all_tags, notmuch_thread_get_tags or notmuch_message_get_tags. """ def __init__(self, parent, ptr_name, cffi_fn): self._parent = parent self._ptr = lambda: getattr(parent, ptr_name) self._cffi_fn = cffi_fn def __del__(self): self.destroy() @property def alive(self): return self._parent.alive def destroy(self): pass def __iter__(self): """Return an iterator over the tags. Tags are yielded as unicode strings, decoded using the "ignore" error handler. :raises NullPointerError: If the iterator can not be created. """ return self.iter(encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') def iter(self, *, encoding=None, errors='strict'): """Aternate iterator constructor controlling string decoding. Tags are stored as bytes in the notmuch database, in Python it's easier to work with unicode strings and thus is what the normal iterator returns. However this method allows you to specify how you would like to get the tags, defaulting to the bytestring representation instead of unicode strings. :param encoding: Which codec to use. The default *None* does not decode at all and will return the unmodified bytes. Otherwise this is passed on to :func:`str.decode`. :param errors: If using a codec, this is the error handler. See :func:`str.decode` to which this is passed on. :raises NullPointerError: When things do not go as planned. """ # self._cffi_fn should point either to # notmuch_database_get_all_tags, notmuch_thread_get_tags or # notmuch_message_get_tags. nothmuch.h suggests these never # fail, let's handle NULL anyway. tags_p = self._cffi_fn(self._ptr()) if tags_p == capi.ffi.NULL: raise errors.NullPointerError() tags = TagsIter(self, tags_p, encoding=encoding, errors=errors) return tags def __len__(self): return sum(1 for t in self) def __contains__(self, tag): if isinstance(tag, str): tag = tag.encode() for msg_tag in self.iter(): if tag == msg_tag: return True else: return False def __eq__(self, other): return tuple(sorted(self.iter())) == tuple(sorted(other.iter())) def __hash__(self): return hash(tuple(self.iter())) class MutableTagSet(ImmutableTagSet, """The tags associated with a message. This is a :class:`` object which can be used to manipulate the tags of a message. Note that due to the underlying notmuch API the performance of the implementation is not the same as you would expect from normal sets. E.g. the ``in`` operator and variants are O(n) rather then O(1). Tags are bytestrings and calling ``iter()`` will return an iterator yielding bytestrings. However the :meth:`iter` method can be used to return tags as unicode strings, while all other operations accept either byestrings or unicode strings. In case unicode strings are used they will be encoded using utf-8 before being passed to notmuch. """ # Since we subclass ImmutableTagSet we inherit a __hash__. But we # are mutable, setting it to None will make the Python machinary # recognise us as unhashable. __hash__ = None def add(self, tag): """Add a tag to the message. :param tag: The tag to add. :type tag: str or bytes. A str will be encoded using UTF-8. :param sync_flags: Whether to sync the maildir flags with the new set of tags. Leaving this as *None* respects the configuration set in the database, while *True* will always sync and *False* will never sync. :param sync_flags: NoneType or bool :raises TypeError: If the tag is not a valid type. :raises TagTooLongError: If the added tag exceeds the maximum lenght, see ``notmuch_cffi.NOTMUCH_TAG_MAX``. :raises ReadOnlyDatabaseError: If the database is opened in read-only mode. """ if isinstance(tag, str): tag = tag.encode() if not isinstance(tag, bytes): raise TypeError('Not a valid type for a tag: {}'.format(type(tag))) ret = capi.lib.notmuch_message_add_tag(self._ptr(), tag) if ret != capi.lib.NOTMUCH_STATUS_SUCCESS: raise errors.NotmuchError(ret) def discard(self, tag): """Remove a tag from the message. :param tag: The tag to remove. :type tag: str of bytes. A str will be encoded using UTF-8. :param sync_flags: Whether to sync the maildir flags with the new set of tags. Leaving this as *None* respects the configuration set in the database, while *True* will always sync and *False* will never sync. :param sync_flags: NoneType or bool :raises TypeError: If the tag is not a valid type. :raises TagTooLongError: If the tag exceeds the maximum lenght, see ``notmuch_cffi.NOTMUCH_TAG_MAX``. :raises ReadOnlyDatabaseError: If the database is opened in read-only mode. """ if isinstance(tag, str): tag = tag.encode() if not isinstance(tag, bytes): raise TypeError('Not a valid type for a tag: {}'.format(type(tag))) ret = capi.lib.notmuch_message_remove_tag(self._ptr(), tag) if ret != capi.lib.NOTMUCH_STATUS_SUCCESS: raise errors.NotmuchError(ret) def clear(self): """Remove all tags from the message. :raises ReadOnlyDatabaseError: If the database is opened in read-only mode. """ ret = capi.lib.notmuch_message_remove_all_tags(self._ptr()) if ret != capi.lib.NOTMUCH_STATUS_SUCCESS: raise errors.NoMessageError(ret) def from_maildir_flags(self): """Update the tags based on the state in the message's maildir flags. This function examines the filenames of 'message' for maildir flags, and adds or removes tags on 'message' as follows when these flags are present: Flag Action if present ---- ----------------- 'D' Adds the "draft" tag to the message 'F' Adds the "flagged" tag to the message 'P' Adds the "passed" tag to the message 'R' Adds the "replied" tag to the message 'S' Removes the "unread" tag from the message For each flag that is not present, the opposite action (add/remove) is performed for the corresponding tags. Flags are identified as trailing components of the filename after a sequence of ":2,". If there are multiple filenames associated with this message, the flag is considered present if it appears in one or more filenames. (That is, the flags from the multiple filenames are combined with the logical OR operator.) """ ret = capi.lib.notmuch_message_maildir_flags_to_tags(self._ptr()) if ret != capi.lib.NOTMUCH_STATUS_SUCCESS: raise errors.NotmuchError(ret) def to_maildir_flags(self): """Update the message's maildir flags based on the notmuch tags. If the message's filename is in a maildir directory, that is a directory named ``new`` or ``cur``, and has a valid maildir filename then the flags will be added as such: 'D' if the message has the "draft" tag 'F' if the message has the "flagged" tag 'P' if the message has the "passed" tag 'R' if the message has the "replied" tag 'S' if the message does not have the "unread" tag Any existing flags unmentioned in the list above will be preserved in the renaming. Also, if this filename is in a directory named "new", rename it to be within the neighboring directory named "cur". In case there are multiple files associated with the message all filenames will get the same logic applied. """ ret = capi.lib.notmuch_message_tags_to_maildir_flags(self._ptr()) if ret != capi.lib.NOTMUCH_STATUS_SUCCESS: raise errors.NotmuchError(ret) class TagsIter(base.NotmuchObject): """Iterator over tags. This is only an interator, not a container so calling :meth:`__iter__` does not return a new, replenished iterator but only itself. :param parent: The parent object to keep alive. :param tags_p: The CFFI pointer to the C-level tags iterator. :param encoding: Which codec to use. The default *None* does not decode at all and will return the unmodified bytes. Otherwise this is passed on to :func:`str.decode`. :param errors: If using a codec, this is the error handler. See :func:`str.decode` to which this is passed on. :raises ObjectDestoryedError: if used after destroyed. """ _tags_p = base.MemoryPointer() def __init__(self, parent, tags_p, *, encoding=None, errors='strict'): self._parent = parent self._tags_p = tags_p self._encoding = encoding self._errors = errors def __del__(self): self.destroy() @property def alive(self): if not self._parent.alive: return False try: self._tags_p except errors.ObjectDestroyedError: return False else: return True def destroy(self): if self.alive: try: capi.lib.notmuch_tags_destroy(self._tags_p) except errors.ObjectDestroyedError: pass self._tags_p = None def __iter__(self): """Return the iterator itself. Note that as this is an iterator and not a container this will not return a new iterator. Thus any elements already consumed will not be yielded by the :meth:`__next__` method anymore. """ return self def __next__(self): if not capi.lib.notmuch_tags_valid(self._tags_p): self.destroy() raise StopIteration() tag_p = capi.lib.notmuch_tags_get(self._tags_p) tag = capi.ffi.string(tag_p) if self._encoding: tag = tag.decode(encoding=self._encoding, errors=self._errors) capi.lib.notmuch_tags_move_to_next(self._tags_p) return tag def __repr__(self): if self._tags_p is None: return '' else: return ''