"""Tests for the behaviour of immutable and mutable tagsets. This module tests the Pythonic behaviour of the sets. """ import collections import subprocess import textwrap import pytest from notdb import _database as database from notdb import _tags as tags class TestImmutable: @pytest.fixture def tagset(self, maildir, notmuch): """An non-empty immutable tagset. This will have the default new mail tags: inbox, unread. """ maildir.deliver() notmuch('new') with database.Database(maildir.path) as db: yield db.tags def test_type(self, tagset): assert isinstance(tagset, tags.ImmutableTagSet) assert isinstance(tagset, collections.abc.Set) def test_hash(self, tagset, maildir, notmuch): h0 = hash(tagset) notmuch('tag', '+foo', '*') with database.Database(maildir.path) as db: h1 = hash(db.tags) assert h0 != h1 def test_eq(self, tagset): assert tagset == tagset def test_neq(self, tagset, maildir, notmuch): notmuch('tag', '+foo', '*') with database.Database(maildir.path) as db: assert tagset != db.tags def test_contains(self, tagset): print(tuple(tagset)) assert 'unread' in tagset assert 'foo' not in tagset def test_iter(self, tagset): expected = sorted(['unread', 'inbox']) found = [] for tag in tagset: assert isinstance(tag, str) found.append(tag) assert expected == sorted(found) def test_special_iter(self, tagset): expected = sorted([b'unread', b'inbox']) found = [] for tag in tagset.iter(): assert isinstance(tag, bytes) found.append(tag) assert expected == sorted(found) def test_special_iter_codec(self, tagset): for tag in tagset.iter(encoding='ascii', errors='surrogateescape'): assert isinstance(tag, str) def test_len(self, tagset): assert len(tagset) == 2 def test_and(self, tagset): common = tagset & {'unread'} assert isinstance(common, set) assert isinstance(common, collections.abc.Set) assert common == {'unread'} def test_or(self, tagset): res = tagset | {'foo'} assert isinstance(res, set) assert isinstance(res, collections.abc.Set) assert res == {'unread', 'inbox', 'foo'} def test_sub(self, tagset): res = tagset - {'unread'} assert isinstance(res, set) assert isinstance(res, collections.abc.Set) assert res == {'inbox'} def test_rsub(self, tagset): res = {'foo', 'unread'} - tagset assert isinstance(res, set) assert isinstance(res, collections.abc.Set) assert res == {'foo'} def test_xor(self, tagset): res = tagset ^ {'unread', 'foo'} assert isinstance(res, set) assert isinstance(res, collections.abc.Set) assert res == {'inbox', 'foo'} def test_rxor(self, tagset): res = {'unread', 'foo'} ^ tagset assert isinstance(res, set) assert isinstance(res, collections.abc.Set) assert res == {'inbox', 'foo'} class TestMutableTagset: @pytest.fixture def tagset(self, maildir, notmuch): """An non-empty mutable tagset. This will have the default new mail tags: inbox, unread. """ _, pathname = maildir.deliver() notmuch('new') with database.Database(maildir.path, mode=database.Mode.READ_WRITE) as db: msg = db.get(pathname) yield msg.tags def test_type(self, tagset): assert isinstance(tagset, collections.abc.MutableSet) assert isinstance(tagset, tags.MutableTagSet) def test_hash(self, tagset): assert not isinstance(tagset, collections.abc.Hashable) with pytest.raises(TypeError): hash(tagset) def test_add(self, tagset): assert 'foo' not in tagset tagset.add('foo') assert 'foo' in tagset def test_discard(self, tagset): assert 'inbox' in tagset tagset.discard('inbox') assert 'inbox' not in tagset def test_discard_not_present(self, tagset): assert 'foo' not in tagset tagset.discard('foo') def test_clear(self, tagset): assert len(tagset) > 0 tagset.clear() assert len(tagset) == 0 def test_from_maildir_flags(self, maildir, notmuch): _, pathname = maildir.deliver(flagged=True) notmuch('new') with database.Database(maildir.path, mode=database.Mode.READ_WRITE) as db: msg = db.get(pathname) msg.tags.discard('flagged') msg.tags.from_maildir_flags() assert 'flagged' in msg.tags def test_to_maildir_flags(self, maildir, notmuch): _, pathname = maildir.deliver(flagged=True) notmuch('new') with database.Database(maildir.path, mode=database.Mode.READ_WRITE) as db: msg = db.get(pathname) flags = msg.path.name.split(',')[-1] assert 'F' in flags msg.tags.discard('flagged') msg.tags.to_maildir_flags() flags = msg.path.name.split(',')[-1] assert 'F' not in flags