From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 Return-Path: X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.2 (2018-09-13) on X-Spam-Level: X-Spam-ASN: X-Spam-Status: No, score=-4.0 required=3.0 tests=ALL_TRUSTED,BAYES_00 shortcircuit=no autolearn=ham autolearn_force=no version=3.4.2 Received: from localhost ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id CAD481F454; Sun, 3 Nov 2019 03:12:41 +0000 (UTC) Date: Sun, 3 Nov 2019 03:12:41 +0000 From: Eric Wong To: Subject: [ANNOUNCE] public-inbox 1.2.0 Message-ID: <20191103030500.public-inbox-1.2.0@released> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Content-Disposition: inline Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit List-Id: * first non-pre/rc release with v2 format support for scalability. See public-inbox-v2-format(5) manpage for more details. * new admin tools for v2 inboxes: - public-inbox-convert - converts v1 to v2 repo formats - public-inbox-compact - v2 convenience wrapper for xapian-compact(1) - public-inbox-purge - purges entire messages out of v2 history - public-inbox-edit - edits sensitive data out messages from v2 history - public-inbox-xcpdb - copydatabase(1) wrapper to upgrade Xapian formats (e.g. from "chert" to "glass") and resharding of v2 inboxes * SQLite3 support decoupled from Xapian support, and Xapian DBs may be configured without phrase support to save space. See "indexlevel" in public-inbox-config(5) manpage for more info. * codebase now uses Perl 5.10.1+ features (e.g. "//") * public-inbox-nntpd - support STARTTLS and NNTPS - support COMPRESS extension - fix several RFC3977 compliance bugs - improved interopability with picky clients such as leafnode and Alpine * public-inbox-watch - support multiple spam training directories - support mapping multiple inboxes per Maildir - List-ID header support (see "listid" in public-inbox-config(5)) * public-inbox-mda - List-ID header support (see above) * PublicInbox::WWW - grokmirror-compatible manifest.js.gz endpoint generation - user-configurable color support in $INBOX_URL/_/text/color/ - BOFHs may set default colors via "publicinbox.css" (see public-inbox-config(5)) - ability to map git code repositories and run cgit (see "coderepo" and "cgitrc" in public-inbox-config(5)) - able to recreate blobs with coderepo associations and Xapian - search results may be reversed - reduce memory usage when rendering large threads - syntax highlighting for patches and blobs * public-inbox-httpd / public-inbox-nntpd: - lower memory usage in C10K scenarios - buffers slow clients to filesystem (TMPDIR) instead of RAM - improved FreeBSD support - Danga::Socket is no longer a runtime dependency * many documentation updates, new manpages for: - PublicInbox::SaPlugin::ListMirror - public-inbox-init - public-inbox-learn * workaround memory leaks on Perl 5.16.3 (on CentOS/RHEL 7.x) Thanks to Ali Alnubani, Alyssa Ross, Amitai Schleier, Dave Taht, Dmitry Alexandrov, Eric W. Biederman, Jan Kiszka, Jonathan Corbet, Kyle Meyer, Leah Neukirchen, Mateusz Łoskot, Nicolás Ojeda Bär, SZEDER Gábor, Urs Janßen, Wang Kang, and edef for all their help, bug reports, patches and suggestions. Special thanks to Konstantin Ryabitsev and The Linux Foundation for their sponsorship and support over the past two years. SHA256: dabc735a5cfe396f457ac721559de26ae38abbaaa74612eb786e9e2e1ca94269 Chances are: You don't know me and never will. Everybody else can verify the tarball and sign a reply saying they've verified it, instead. The more who do this, the better, but don't trust the BOFH :P See archives at for all history. See for what the future holds.