> in trying to build a Docker image for ARM64 (aarch64-linux), I am > hitting errors of the kind > > "package git-annex@10.20230926 does not support aarch64-linux" > > There doesn't seem to be anything specifically in the package > definitions that precludes building for aarch64-linux, so I suspect it's > either a dependency or the build system that lacks the required support. Git-annex uses the haskell-build-system which requires GHC, the only modern haskell compiler. Unfortunately GHC is only packaged for i686-linux and x86_64-linux in Guix. > How would I go about debugging such issues? Maybe the causes are simple > and I can fix them. But I don't even know where to start. Maybe someone else can give more general or Guix specific advice on finding out the cause of such problems, but I believe that in this case the fix would just be packaging GHC for aarch64-linux. It should[1] be possible but it will require some work. [1]: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/wikis/platforms - Saku