On Mon, 2021-03-15 at 11:15 +0000, raid5atemyhomework via Guix-patches via wrote: > Currently, if you set DataDirectoryGroupReadable 1 in your torrc, What are the reasons for setting DataDirectoryGroupReadable 1? > it will be respected only if tor is started up. IIUC, tor will adjust the permissions of the directory to make it group readable (while Guix' activation code creates the directory group-unreadable). > If you reconfigure your OS without restarting the tor service, > the directory permissions are reset due to the activation code being > re-run and resetting the directory permissions. > > This change simply does not chmod if the directory already exists. I believe it would be more transparent to introduce a (data-directory-group-readable? #t/#f), with #f as default, to tor-configuration (adjusting tor-configuration->torrc) and change the permission bits passed to chmod appropriately. (Documentation & reproducible system configuration & one integrated system (in the software sense) and all that) Greetings, Maxime.