Hello here is the graphical package for crawl. * Executable name I renamed the executable to crawl-tiles (GAME makeflag), so it won't collide with the console version. Other distros (NixOS, Ubuntu) use the same name. * Test cases I asked on ##crawl-devel and the test cases are currently only written to work with the debug build of the console version. So I overwrite the 'TILES=' flag in the crawl base package. * Optional png optimization Crawl uses 'which' to check if advpng (from advanceCOMP) or pngcrush is available to optimize the png compression of it's pngs. Optimizing png compression is not very important, and both programs are not packaged, so I did not include any of them for now, but left a TODO for if they get packaged. - advanceCOMP has bundled dependencies and no options in the build script to use external ones. - pngcrush has a weird zlib-like license and a bundled header-library that also has some similar custom zlib-like license. I might package that later. * Happy hacking Thanks for merging my previous patches, and don't worry when I don't reply for a few days.