Hello, when I tried to compile lilypond, I had some problems with the package fontforge. In Guix it is listed as version 20190317, but when I do "fontforge --version", i get: Copyright (c) 2000-2018 by George Williams. See AUTHORS for Contributors. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later with many parts BSD ;;. Please read LICENSE. Based on sources from 00:00 UTC 1-Jan-1970-ML-D. Based on source from git with hash: fontforge 00:00 UTC 1-Jan-1970 libfontforge 19700101 So lilypond's configure script complains about the version of fontforge. I think that the right version is installed, but there went something wrong with the date indicating the version. It seems that no matter which release I compile the compiled program always shows the date of compilation as the version. I do not have this problem, when I compile the fontforge package -- I actually compiled the the release 20190317 and the compiled program shows the version 20190603... But when installing it via "guix install fontforge" it has the version 19700101. Do you have any ideas, how I can fix that? Thank you! Tilman