Hi, I've read https://www.gnu.org/software/guix/manual/html_node/Packaging-Guidelines.html and I am done with the gnunet-gtk.scm, at least as far as I can go without testing. My question is, do I check out the guix.git for testing the package with ./pre-inst-env guix build $pkg-name --keep-failed or what is the general recommended process for this? I know I can even setup VMs within guix with guix, but I just started and need some pointers. --anonymiss ----------------------------------------------- Email is public and violates our right for secrecy of correspondence. Talk to me in private: http://loupsycedyglgamf.onion/anonymiss/ irc://loupsycedyglgamf.onion:67/anonymiss https://psyced.org:34443/anonymiss/ If you want Email like communication which respects your privacy and rights and is secure without requiring you to learn complicated tools, use bitmessage: (public) bitmessage: BM-2cSj8qEigE3CMaLU3CwPZf7T3LvzvnttsC my vcard (sort of): http://krosos.sdf.org