I'm sorry for top-posting, my setup is a bit difficult at the moment.

So: "If you are just testing packages and not GuixSD / system stuff, try `guix environment --ad-hoc foo`, and maybe also the `--pure` option."
and looking at guix environment --help output, with my file being /home/user/gnunet-gtk.scm I run:
`guix environment --ad-hoc --pure -- guix build /home/user/gnunet-gtk.scm --keep-failed`
this seems to be wrong, even with sudo:
"In execvp of guix: Permission denied"

What I'm trying to do is to check if my package for gnunet-gtk works, so I can eventually debug it and mail it to the list.

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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: getting started test-building packages without breaking the system profile?
Local Time: December 7 2015 7:26 pm
UTC Time: December 7 2015 6:26 pm
From: leo@famulari.name
To: ng_prism@protonmail.ch
CC: guix-devel@gnu.org

On Mon, Dec 07, 2015 at 12:54:53PM -0500, anonymiss wrote:
> Hi,
> I've read https://www.gnu.org/software/guix/manual/html_node/Packaging-Guidelines.html and I am done with the gnunet-gtk.scm, at least as far as I can go without testing.
> My question is, do I check out the guix.git for testing the package with
> ./pre-inst-env guix build $pkg-name --keep-failed
> or what is the general recommended process for this?
> I know I can even setup VMs within guix with guix, but I just started and need some pointers.

If you are just testing packages and not GuixSD / system stuff, try
`guix environment --ad-hoc foo`, and maybe also the `--pure` option.

This will put the packages in your environment as if they were installed
in a profile, without actually making a profile generation.

The only downside, to me, is that `guix gc` will delete foo unless you
explicity register it as a garbage collector root with `guix build -r
foo`. It has been discussed to add this option to `guix environment`,
but I'm not sure if any decision was reached:

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