Hello! I am using GuixSD and Xfce4 desktop environment. There is shortcut on my panel that shows desktop: http://0x0.st/zPx4.png How to bind keyboard key to minimize all windows and show desktop? By default there is such key bind: Ctrl + Alt + D  -- this shows desktop on Xfce4. But I want to use just only one button - Menu - this is extra button between Ctrl and Alt in the right side, cause I do not use it at all. I install wmctrl $ guix package -i wmctrl according to the manual https://linux.die.net/man/1/wmctrl need to use command $ wmctrl -k on To bind a key to this command I open on Xfce4: Menu -> Settings -> Keyboard. (or also you can open settings from terminal: `xfce4-settings-manager` and choose Keyboard menu) 'Application Shortcuts' tab there and add command 'wmctrl -k on' and press 'Menu' when it asks to press. I've got this line: http://0x0.st/zPxx.png Now it works permanently. Also I usually change keyboard layout selection button to left Menu button. There is also xdotool in guix that might be helpful for tasks like this. znavko.