Hello! I have several questions about guix package options:

1. How to see info about installed package?
I think `guix package -s regexp` shows everything it find in repository. Also `guix package --show=element` does the same but for exact element name. So these show info from repository. Which command let me know info about installed package? I did not found it in guix reference card and manual.

2. How to determine why qtwebkit compiles every time I run `guix pull && guix package --substitute-urls=https://ci.guix.info -u` ?
I think I have some problems in my system (may be for that I've installed blender 2.80 from my own declaration file?)

3. And the last: is ci.guix.info substitution server by default or I need to type it in --substitute-urls option?
By the way no any speed advantages when I type it. My last 4 updates was continuing for 2 days. And I need your help.

Thank you!