Okay, this makes sense to me. I'll try if I can make it to test-build (the only part I am not exactly sure of is which set of modules is needed (this could be solved by just appending/copying the relevant part of gnunet-gtk into the gnunet.scm), and how to reproduce src_configure() { econf \ --docdir="${EPREFIX}/usr/share/doc/${PF}" \ --with-gnunet=/usr || die "econf failed" } for guix. I've already written build recipes for gnunet and gnunet-gtk for Gentoo (not yet merged into portage because we're still doing quality checking for it) so I have the compile instructions, but for another system. Or is the entire part in src_configure unnecessary here? gnunet-gtk is an independent, own package in the GNUnet sources (it has its own svn directory) which comes with some tools not provided in gnunet, but recommended to use with (configuration, setup,...). --anonymiss Email is public. Talk to me in private: http://loupsycedyglgamf.onion/anonymiss/ irc://loupsycedyglgamf.onion:67/anonymiss https://psyced.org:34443/anonymiss/ for bitmessage and more: http://krosos.sdf.org -------- Original Message -------- Subject: Re: getting started test-building packages without breaking the system profile? Local Time: December 7 2015 7:54 pm UTC Time: December 7 2015 6:54 pm From: andreas@enge.fr To: ng_prism@protonmail.ch CC: guix-devel@gnu.org On Mon, Dec 07, 2015 at 12:54:53PM -0500, anonymiss wrote: > I've read https://www.gnu.org/software/guix/manual/html_node/ > Packaging-Guidelines.html and I am done with the gnunet-gtk.scm, at least as > far as I can go without testing. It would be better to add the package to the existing gnunet.scm (which also makes it easier to test, as there is no need to register a new file in gnu-system.am). Is a separate package needed, or could the existing recipe be extended to also build the gtk+ binaries? If there is no separate source, I think this would be the preferred approach. > My question is, do I check out the guix.git for testing the package with > ./pre-inst-env guix build $pkg-name --keep-failed > or what is the general recommended process for this? This is how I work; in this way, you can provide a patch that applies directly on top of master. Andreas