I very happily discovered guix import after trying to write a package def for a rust crate, but ran into this: ;;; Failed to autoload string->semver-range in (semver ranges): ;;; no code for module (semver ranges) <> guix/import/crate.scm:260:26: In procedure find-crate-version:error: string->semver-range: unbound variable Turns out it's because guix import has a soft dep on guile-semver, but intentionally leaves it out since most users won't need it. (See: http://logs.guix.gnu.org/guix/2023-01-28.log#005327) The dependency is small: 0.4MB. Could we either add it as a hard dep, or at least document at https://guix.gnu.org/manual/en/html_node/Invoking-guix-import.html so it is easier to discover how to use guix import crate? Probably same sort of thing for Guile-Lib for the go importer. Thanks! Best Regards, Benjamin Cherry -- devcarbon - LLC, Owner [devcarbon.com](https://devcarbon.com/) [image]