
Thank you all for very useful comments describing the database and Hydra use cases! They were very helpful for me on this week.

I've just committed a new version of the interface. I've implemented the first feature and create a more friendly interface based on bootstrap.
I had to add new database requests: db-get-evaluations-count, db-get-evaluations-info for the feature. I have added new endpoints: ("jobset" name), ("eval" id) and changed "status" endpoint to "/". Now, when you launch Cuirass you can see all specifications on the main page (localhost:PORT/);
when you click on the specification name you can see a list of all evaluations of a specification displaying numbers of successful, failed and pending builds for each evaluation; when you click on the evaluation ID you can see a list of builds with their statuses. The evaluation list is broken down into a set of pages with 20 evaluations on each page. I have implemented a page navigation tool which may be used for other pages of this kind that we will implement later.

Could you please take a look at the commit and new functions?

I am still facing the local testing issue. When I tried to launch Cuirass with the large database you sent before it crashed with some git error. For now, I change my local database manually for testing. I still do not have an idea how I should fix this problem. Maybe you could recommend me some specifications to add to my local database? Also, maybe you have some remote server with working Cuirass where I would be able to test the interface? I've attached some illustrations of the interface pages I have locally.

Now I am going to implement separate pages for builds with different statuses and implementation of the first feature will be finished. Also, I think It will be useful if I add some more navigation buttons to the header. Now it has only one link to the main page with Guix logo.

Best regards,

2018-06-06 21:02 GMT+03:00 Danny Milosavljevic <dannym@scratchpost.org>:
Hi Tatiana,

> I afraid that I am not familiar with typical Hydra use cases

Generally, the continuous integration process should enable developers
to get feedback about the effects of their changes.

This means that as soon as a commit is made, usually an evaluation of
the build source on the continuous integration server starts.

(Sometimes there are exceptions to this (for example in order to not overload
the build servers) - but generally it's true)

For a new evaluation, as a developer I'd like to know:

* Are now more packages broken than before?  Which ones?
* Are now more packages working than before?  Which ones?
* Do some packages work on more architectures than before? Fewer?
* Is the build server still building my change?  Or is it done and I
can trust that the information I see is now complete?  If not,
what is it building now or later?

"before" means "with the previous evaluation" or "with some specific past
evaluation" or "in another branch".

I think this would be the most basic functionality.

More advanced functionalities would include automatic tracking on the reason
of the failure:

* If it's dependency failure, specifically mark this package so I know I don't
have to fix this package - I have to fix a package this one depends on (which one?).
* What kind of failure is it? What's the latest non-noise error message in the
build log?  Display suggestions on what to do about it.

What do you think?

>4. Add additional information about previous builds (latest successful,
>first broken, etc) on this build page. For this feature, we need to extend
>database requests functionality.

Sounds good.