Hi Ludo, Jonathon, Bjorn, RIcardo, Paul  and everyone,

* Paul:
> One of the dependencies is OpenCASCADE.  You may wish to switch the
> opencascade-oce input to opencascade-occt, which is now available.  See
> commit 37dc29200c44adc0474476b8df46ed44e8a1d41a.  The occt version is
> more up-to-date than the oce version.

I just tried building opencascade-occt and there was a failure in the test suite: https://paste.debian.net/1098482/
I did replace opencascade-oce with occt in the hopes that it will have better support in the future.
There is also the issue of the bundled (though heavily patched) SMESH library. If I get some time soon, I can take another look at unbundling it.

* Bjorn and Jonathon, about qtwebkit:
> qtwebkit seems to fail on master as well and it needs long to build, so
> I can't do it locally on my laptop:
> It also seems that qtwebkit is failing to build in some cases for me now.
> http://ci.guix.gnu.org/build/1488065/details

I found qtwebkit failing for me, too, so I was unable to build freecad with the most recent patches. The dependencies build ok though.

* Ricardo:
> We do have a later version of HDF5: hdf5-1.10, that’s version 1.10.4.
> Is this enough?

Yes it is, I used hdf5-1.10 for libmedfile.

> Do we really need SoQT?

I removed SoQT and freecad build properly before qtwebkit failed.

* Bjorn:
> medfile: Is there a specific reason you chose 3.x, instead of the
> available 4.0.0? If you, could you add a comment of why?

I was using what amounted to the pre-release of v4. I replaced with the release version now that it is out.

> License is GPLv3+

I changed the license.

>libarea: Also licensed under GPL v3 (files under "pocket" directory).

I added this license instead

* Johnathon:
> - Maybe elaborate a bit more in the description, I have no idead what
> "lupdate, rcc and uic" is :P

I am sorry, I looked through the documentation and I don't know what they are.

> - Is there a reason why we don't run the tests?

I recently tried to run the tests for all of the pyside tools (shiboken2, pyside2, and pyside2-tools).
All fail to find libcxx files. I did not have a lot of time to work on it, but I was successful in just using the official libcxx@6.X without tests.
Strangely the issue only happens when building the tests.  I have added FIXME where appropriate.
Previously I had a hand-rolled package strictly for the pyside2 toolchain which I removed.

> - No newlines in the description after a sentence, just two whitespaces :)

Thank you, I fill-paragraphed.

> - description: What is a MED file?

I added much more detail from the salome-platform Med documentation.

> https://bitbucket.org/Coin3D/coin/downloads/
> ...
> This one:
> https://git.archlinux.org/svntogit/packages.git/tree/trunk/PKGBUILD?h=packages/libspnav#n13

I used the releases for coin3D and libspnav. I am worried now about coin3D because bitbucket is going to drop support for mercurial repos next year.

* Some further notes:
There are now several optional qt modules that are not correctly found when building pyside2.
I am not sure if this is a bug with pyside or our packages.  The package builds properly and freecad runs, though (supposing opencascade-occt will work).

All the patches are rebased to a pretty recent master (just a day or so ago). Thanks for all your help!

- John