Hi Paul and everyone,

I added libxmu and libxi as inputs and that gets progress. I am not sure whether we want to propagate them from opencascade-occt though. I can see either way working well.

Now there is this error when building:

fatal error: tbb/parallel_for.h: No such file or directory compilation terminated.
make[2]: *** [src/Mod/Import/App/CMakeFiles/Import.dir/build.make:114: src/Mod/Import/App/CMakeFiles/Import.dir/ImportOCAF.cpp.o] Error 1

Thanks again,


On Tue, Sep 3, 2019 at 7:45 PM Paul Garlick <pgarlick@tourbillion-technology.com> wrote:
Hi John,

> Switching to opencascade-occt does not build. It fails with `ld:
> cannot find -lXmu` when building the PartDesigner module.

libxmu is one of the opencascade-occt dependencies.  It might make
sense to propagate this input in the opencascade-occt package

Could you test whether FreeCAD builds successfully with a libxmu input?
There may be other dependencies that need to be propagated too.

Best regards,
