2017-04-26 8:45 GMT+02:00 Ricardo Wurmus <rekado@elephly.net>:

Catonano <catonano@gmail.com> writes:

> Ehm,
> the author is "Catonano" rather than "humanitiesNerd"
> http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/guix.git/commit/?id=623fb4d1629adfa97e3fe412d394ca0490742f29

Oh, I’m sorry.

> Did I mess up my email settings ?

No, I copied the attribution line from another file that you had
contributed to. 

Ah, so I messed up a copyright attribution. I apologize, it slipped :-/

Should we replace all “humanitiesNerd” with “Catonano”?

You know what ? We could take this opportunity to switch all my contributions to my real name, rather than this silly nickname

We could replace all the occurrences of "humanitiesNerd" with "Adriano Peluso"

Should I send a patch, for this ?