2017-05-18 19:49 GMT+02:00 Arun Isaac <arunisaac@systemreboot.net>:

> I know that the Guix poliicy is to let upstream do its homework.
> But in this case I would keep the patched Genshi
> In fact, if you read the most recent thread in the Genshi google group:
> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/genshi
>  you can deduce that:
>    1. the patches have been used by mainstream distros for almost 2 years
>    now, if I understand correctly
>    2. the development of Genshi is stalled. The last contribution (adding
>    travis) was 2 years ago

> what is being deployed by other distros already is, substantially, the new
> Genshi release
> And unless someone steps up in maintaning the project, there won't be a
> formal release anytime soon

Oh, I thought the next genshi release was just around the corner. I
didn't realize that development was stalled. Ok, then. If other distros
are using these patches without problems, let's also have python3 genshi
and relatorio packages.

But, let's build trytond with python2. GNU Health still needs trytond
3.8, and trytond 3.8 only supports python2.


I'll send you a new version of my patches bundle soonish.

Let's say tomorrow

Thanks !