2016-08-03 13:45 GMT+02:00 ng0 : > I think the costs of maintaining a -svn of gnunet are too high at the > moment. I'm using these two packages as a base for debugging gnunet in > addition to gentoo to help work with upstream. > > A revision-less svn package does not work (unlike in gentoo), so my > focus is at the moment to help to push towards 0.10.2 release. > > Afterwards I can decide wether to include it or not, and dicuss this > with the proper attention. > If anyone else wants to contribute to this discussion you are invited > to do so. > Thank you, ng0, I will try to contribute to this discussion. Too bad, until now I had no enough time to look at the link you provided and I'm afraid I won't have time this week. But the availability of Gnunet is important for me so I will be back on this.