2017-05-24 18:17 GMT+02:00 Jan Nieuwenhuizen <janneke@gnu.org>:
Catonano writes:

> no comments ?

I saw this message, had a quick look and a frown...

> I was so enthsiast of aving discovered this

Can you summarize what's to get enthousiastic about?

>     https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-lod/2017May/0005.html
>     they published the metadata about the WHOLE collection of packaged in npm !!

Having looked into npm and worked on the guix npm importer, I found that
even the some of the most trivial packages cannot be built from source.
Cyclic dependencies in the build systems.

So after having tried to get npm into GuixSD, I'm at the point of giving
up on npm and am planning to migrate away from it.

I can hardly imagine...but does this report in any way hint that some
packages can be built from source and how to do that?

I only skimmed through it but I think it doesn' t

I think the authors are not well versed in software engineering, they might be not completely aware of the issues involved in software reproducibility.

This is one of the reasons why this post is interesting. These people might be interested in learning about Guix and its reasons

And frankly, I believe that the "data oriented" approach could help Guix; so yes, I think that Guix has something to learn from their effort too

I know the issues that plague the npmjs world.

In my grand plan, we would have a complete graph of the npmjs packages and the dependencies among them.

This could help in doing a sane bootstrap of nodejs in Guix. Sort of what Ricardo is doing with Java

He' s doing that manually, discovering binary blobs in "sources" as he proceeds

Because the nodejs graph is so large and dense, a more systematic approach would be, in my opinion, necessary, in order to achieve the same result.

I have been thinking about giving up on the web entirely because of javascript

I never liked the idea of apps in the browser, anyway. I still miss my favourite native email client, Eudora

But the community working with nodejs, around the world, is enormous. Huge

Think about the Mediawiki foundation, or Wordpress.

Think about Ruby on Rails.

Recently I even found an IDE for Postgresql, it looked like a native application, instead it has a frame with javascript infested content in it

Renouncing to nodejs would be a huge blow to Guix. As huge as the nodejs community is

Then, add Gnunet to the equation: if there was a set of native Gnome apps integrated with Gnunet, the Free Software movement could offer something valuable to many people working with php/nodejs off the shelve solutions today.

It would be an important opportunity for the Free Software at large, not Guix only.

I believe this is important

Now: as you might remember, I made an effort to collect the jquery dependencies graph and store it in a graph db

The Graph db I used was not mature enough, so that when a version advancement came, I discovered that there was no upgrade path for my data

I thought to re-do that from scratch using Postgresql

But I slacked off and I had some difficulties in wrapping my mind around the possibility to make such a scraper concurrent

But that's another story

Anyway, this is the reason why I am enthusiastic about this release: they published a COMPLETE nodejs dependencies graph as linked data

So my scraping effort is not needed anymore !

Now it' s just a matter of querying those data to identify culprit packages, unbuildable or otherwise problematic

I think it' s an advancement !

As for my personal projects, I could prefer usig Gnome over the web based stuff too. But what I was thinking is not only my personal toys.

So, these is my reasoning.

I hope I made myself clearer now