2017-12-18 19:48 GMT+01:00 Christopher Baines <mail@cbaines.net>:

Catonano <catonano@gmail.com> writes:

> 2017-12-12 17:46 GMT+01:00 Catonano <catonano@gmail.com>:
>> 2017-12-12 15:56 GMT+01:00 Ricardo Wurmus <rekado@elephly.net>:
>>> Hi Catonano,
>>> > I need a libvirt daemon running in order to use virt-manager
>>> You just need to have the libvirt service with the default
>>> configuration, and then you should be able to use virt-manager.  Have
>>> you tried that?
>> No, I hadn't tried.
>> I saw 2 services, didn't understand and got scared
>> Thanks :-)
> Ok, I reconfigured
> virt-manager still can't start:
> libvirtError: Failed to connect socket to '/var/run/libvirt/
> libvirt-sock': Permesso negato (denied permission)
> ~$ ls -lhad /var/run/libvirt
> drwxr-xr-x 8 root root 4,0K 12 dic 18.43 /var/run/libvirt/
> ~$ sudo herd status libvirt
> Password:
> herd: service 'libvirt' could not be found
> am I doing anything wrong ?

Just in case you or someone else wants to use libvirt. I think the
service is called libvirtd,

It's called "libvirt" !

and you probably need to make sure you're
user is in the libvirt group.

Also in the "root" group !

In fact, when launching virt-manager, var/run/libvirt/libvirt-sock should be accessible and it's readable/writable by users in the root group, others can't access it

So your user needs to be in the root group too !

Happy New Year !