Looks like it is still working in a guix VM running on AMD ryzen 3700X host. But there is some output differences between previous version and this one. in raw mode (cpuid -r), it outputs one more line per core: 0x20000000 0x00: eax=0x00000000 ebx=0x00000000 ecx=0x00000000 edx=0x00000000 which is probably OK, looks like the change: Sun Feb 2 2020 Todd Allen * cpuid.c: Added leaf walking of the 0x20000000 (Intel Phi) range [...] But in normal mode, output changed a lot, some separators changed from ":" to "=", a lot of reported values, new things... This will probably break any simplistic parsing of that output, if there is anything doing that in guix... Having a cursory look at the changelog, it looks like this is getting a lot more change since the beginning of this year, or something else. Maybe Tood Allen can give us a hint... Guixers, please advise how to proceed further. Thanks-- Vincent Legoll