Ok, I just made a branch, basically only changing that single line in java.scm.
It's base on current core-updates.

You can clone from: https://github.com/Boskovits/guix.git
branch: change-default-icedtea-8.

How do we know where you need further assistance with that?

As first step it is not needed to remove #:jdk icedtea-8 references, because I think that simply becomes a noop. Am I right here?
That can be done as the last step before merging, I guess.

2017-11-24 11:15 GMT+01:00 Ricardo Wurmus <rekado@elephly.net>:

Hi Gábor,

> I guess we could just flip that to icedtea-8, and check what still works.
> That would flip the version in the build system also, as it uses "icedtea".

Exactly.  The call for help is really about dealing with the fallout
from this change.  I’ve attempted this some time ago when we still had
a much smaller set of Java packages, but it’s too much to check all of
the packages by myself.

> Should I check which packages are affected in advance, or just go with the
> build and see what does not work?

For some packages it’s feasible to do this immediately before pushing.
It’s also good to review the weird hacks that were sometimes necessary,
and check if they are still needed.

We also need to confirm that the generated build.xml files have the
appropriate “source” and “target” version specifiers.

But mostly we can just change the default “icedtea” and remove “#:jdk
,icedtea-8” from all packages.  I’d like to avoid having to add “#:jdk
,icedtea-7” to any of the packages; finding fixes would be preferrable.


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