Björn Höfling <> ezt írta (időpont: 2018. júl. 17., K, 12:32):
On Tue, 17 Jul 2018 08:24:24 +0000
Nils Gillmann <> wrote:

> To add to this idea:
> abyayala$ nix why-depends --help
> Usage: nix why-depends <FLAGS>... <PACKAGE> <DEPENDENCY>
> Summary: show why a package has another package in its closure.


> Would it be useful to have a guix package subcommand which replicates
> this?

Yeah, would be nice. Because that was missing, I created that script
for me.

Thanks, Björn. I've recently had the same problem, and I was about to write this script once we moved to jdk8. Now I don't have to do it any more :) This is very useful, it helps so much in bootstrapping related work.