2018-04-25 21:07 GMT+02:00 Gábor Boskovits <boskovits@gmail.com>:
2018-04-25 17:38 GMT+02:00 Ricardo Wurmus <rekado@elephly.net>:

Welcome Sahithi!

> I Sahithi Yarlagadda, a Free Software enthusiast. I am from India,
> pursuing my under graduation final semester in Computer Science. I will
> be working as an Outreachy Intern for May-August 2018. I am glad to be
> part of Guix Community. I have been working with Ricardo Wurmus during
> the application process. He helped me in understanding and working with
> Guix. Community has given a great support, expecting the same till the end.

In my experience, this community is very supportive, patient, and
friendly.  I’m sure you will find the same.  I’m looking forward to
working with you and hope you’ll enjoy the experience.  Feel free to ask
questions by sending email to guix-devel@gnu.org — chances are that
someone else has the same question but didn’t dare to ask.

To the rest of the Guix community: please welcome Sahithi and support
this project by answering questions on IRC or here on the list.

I should add that Sahithi will be working on the project “Improve the
user experience for the "guix package" command line tool”, which will
address some of the major and minor problems that the command line
interface currently has.  I’m the primary mentor for this project, and
Gábor has volunteered to be co-mentor.  Thank you, Gábor!

Welcome Sahithi!

I'm looking forward to working with you. I'm Gábor, and I am
co-mentoring the project. My IRC username is g_bor.