I second this, this could be something very good for Guix.
We have a number of favorable features that could be desirable in a high-trust environment such as stability, seamless rollbacks, the ability to bootstrap completely from source etc.


On Tue, Aug 29, 2023 at 8:15 AM jgart <jgart@dismail.de> wrote:
Hi Guixers,

Just reposting this chat message from Ryan Prior over #guix for anyone interested:

> The US Federal government has an RFI open on "Areas of long-term focus and Prioritization". They're looking for 10 page briefing memos on supporting memory-safe languages, strengthening software supply chains, sustaining FLOSS, behavioural/economic incentives to secure the OSS ecosytem, or other related ideas.
Sounds like an interesting opportunity for Guix hackers


I don't have the time currently to submit an RFI on behalf of GNU Guix but maybe someone else is interested in this opportunity?

