(You forgot to Cc the list.)
Thanks Ludovic. 

Perhaps you should report the issue in AUR so that they can add these
lines to the .service file by default.
Wrote a comment about it on the AUR. See if it gets added.

Anyway thanks again for your help.

2017-09-12 0:48 GMT-07:00 Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>:
Hi Fredrik,

(You forgot to Cc the list.)

Fredrik Salomonsson <plattfot@gmail.com> skribis:

>  How did you set up guix-daemon?
>  Behind the scenes, guix-daemon invokes the internal ‘guix offload’
>  command. That command requires Guile-SSH¹. In your case, it looks like
>  Guile-SSH was found at configure-time when building Guix, but is now
>  missing at run time, hence this “offload: command not found” error.
>  Could you make sure the GUILE_LOAD_PATH environment variable seen by
>  guix-daemon points to Guile-SSH?
> I set it up as described here https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Guix i.e. installed the AUR package, created the build users and launched the systemd unit guix-daemon.service.
> Turns out that the systemd unit doesn't setup the path to the GUILE_LOAD_PATH.
> Ran "systemctl edit guix-daemon" and added
> [Service]
> Environment=GUILE_LOAD_PATH=/root/.guix-profile/share/guile/site/2.2
> Environment=GUILE_LOAD_COMPILED_PATH=/root/.guix-profile/lib/guile/2.2
> then
> systemctl daemon-reload
> systemctl restart guix-daemon
> Not sure if the last steps are needed, but you can never be too careful when it comes to systemd.
> Anway that fixed it and I can now compile GNU hello.


Perhaps you should report the issue in AUR so that they can add these
lines to the .service file by default.

Thanks for your feedback,
