Pierre Neidhardt <mail@ambrevar.xyz> skrev: (27 mars 2019 12:46:26 CET)
Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org> writes:

Apologies if I missed a previous discussion on this topic, but… I’m
skeptical about the renames. I assume that the original names were
those commonly used in distributions, which in itself may be a good
reason to keep them.

Names may vary a lot across distributions. Especially when it comes to
games, since they tend to have more exotic titles.

If the majority of distributions decides on a poor name, we don't have
to repeat the same mistake ;)

Those names are also used upstream in some cases: the tarball for
wesnoth is called “westnoth*.tar.gz”, for example, and the GitHub
project of L’Abbaye des morts is “abbayedesmorts” (no ‘l’). Like our
naming guidelines say (info "(guix) Package Naming"), we should try to
stick to the upstream name.


I think it's important to ask "why should we name a package this way."
What's the rationale behind a package name?

We are facing the users, not package maintainers. Users are not
supposed to know about:

- domain names
- tarball names
- github names

Those are details, in my understanding, reserved to developers and
More often than not, those shortened names are used because of technical
limitations (e.g. character length). We don't have to forward those
limitations on ourselves.

I think it makes sense that we expose to the users names that speaks to
them, i.e. the "official project full name".

Finally, as I mentioned above with the completion systems that we have,
we've got nothing to lose in having long names.

My two cents :)

I agree with Pierre. 😃

Good useability is important and cryptic acronyms are not something to expose to the user if possible to avoid IMO.

Maybe this is where we need to discuss what our target audience is? Nerds only?
Random Joe who is new to GNU systems but dead tired of the proprietary systems he was taught in school who heard og Guix through a good friend who helps him getting started?

Tangent to this is the focus on an installer. Why bother with an installer if we only target nerds and educated computer professionals?

Anyone else who have opinions on the matter of acronyms in names where they can be avoided?

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